Charlie’s Angel Island Poem

Journey To Gold Mountain

by Charlie


As I touch her face all the good memories I have ever had with her

Suddenly topple over me.

Being separated from grandma

Is like a wounded bird trying to fly.

As I open the letter

My belly feels like I am running

Like a rabbit being chased by a bear.


Sleeping on the ship makes me

Feel like I am driving on a very rocky road

because the waves made the ship rock so much.


Spikes on the fence

Are like a “Do Not Exit” sign.

I felt like I was in a food competition

Because the food was so bad I had to force it down.

Watching the men play cards

Is the only choice

When I hear drip drops that keeps me from playing outside.


I am a bird locked up in a cage day after day.

How long will I be here?

Will I ever leave?


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