Category: Fourth

Alon Ellis Island Letter



Dear Grandpa,


We were travelling in steerage but it was okay because we made it out alive. I saw some rich people and lots of poor people. The rich people were higher off the water because they paid for first class tickets. The poor people were with me in steerage. The worst part of the journey was when people got colds. The germs would spread very quickly. But otherwise the journey was good. The best part of the journey was when we saw the Statue of Liberty. When we entered the harbor I was relieved the cruel journey was over. But now it was inspection time and everyone was scared. Steerage was cruel and everybody hated it. We all feared the inspectors, they were scaring every immigrant without even being there.


We got to Ellis Island. I had my luggage and was going into the Great Hall and I saw the inspectors. The doctors were first, but then, were the much feared intelligence inspectors. It struck a lump in my throat. The doctors are very strict with the immigrants. All around people were either relieved because they passed, or sad because one or more members of the family did not pass. I heard sobs and sighs of relief all around me. The air was hot and stinky. I was waiting in line when I heard Everything about this. In the Great Hall it smelled hot and sweaty.


I finished waiting, and the doctor was ready to inspect me. I was examined closely and carefully. The doctors were strict and annoying but I got through. The mental tests weren’t very hard on me, 1. Tell happy faces from unhappy ones,2. simple math: ” The doctors embarrassed me by telling me to add 5 and 5″  and 3. put a puzzle together. It was very easy, and I didn’t get detained.


The legal inspectors asked 3 questions. The questions were: Where are you going to? Who will you stay with? And how much money do you have? My name did not get changed either.The Staircase of Separation brought tears and hope for new life. I was not a detainee and I did not have to wait for them to further test me. I was sad for those people who had to go to detention and be separated from their families, or just did not have the chance to live new life in the USA.


I was very happy to see my dad after so much time! I was so excited I ran down the stairs, bought myself a ticket for the ferry, and then wrote this letter. I will miss you and grandma a lot. It is like the Staircase of Separation in miniature.





Alon Introductory Paragraph

Welcome to my Blog. I write about the work I have done in the past. This is my personal blog. If you read the whole blog, you will notice that most of my work has pictures in  it. Also, this blog has work in it all the way from 4th grade, in fact, this piece was written in fourth grade, 2015, in the school LREI. So what, you might ask? I wrote that last part to remember when I wrote this. So basically, I have this blog to post my work on.


In the future I might post My Immigrant kids at school script, and other work I am proud of. This blog is about work I have done and I feel is relevant to post. I am really proud to say my whole class is full of mature 4th graders. This list of work I will post will evolve over the years as I progress and become older and more mature.


Escape from Planet Scotland!

Today I received my blog. It will travel with me through middle school. It is A.K.A. my digital portfolio. My first entry will be based around a photo of an immigrant doll I made. The first part was to make the body/limbs/head/neck. Then we painted the skin color and then we added clothes, hair, shoes, and the face. It took me about three hours worth of art classes to complete the whole doll! I thought the process was fun and hard.  This is a picture of my doll.
