Category: Bobrowski

Interconnectedness of Human Body SYstems

In Science class, we have been studying different body systems and how they connect. One of the main takeways that I got from this study is that basically everything connects to the circulatory system, because every system uses blood. Overall, I have learned a lot about different systems over the past few weeks.

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Structure Fits Function Urinary System

Transitional epithelium is a type of tissue consisting of multiple layers of epithelial cells which can contract and expand. There are different types of epithelium cells. There’s simple squamous epithelium, which allows things to pass through it:

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There is cuboidal epithelium which is used to absorb:


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There is simple columnar epithelium which absorbs and secretes mucus and enzymes:


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There is pseudostratified columnar epithelium which secretes mucus and moves mucus:


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There is stratified squamous epithelium which protects against abrasion:


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There is stratified cuboidal epithelium which is protective tissue:

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There is stratified columnar epithelium which secretes and protects:

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Last, there is transitional epithelium which allows the urinary organs to expand and stretch:

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This is the type of epithelium that we are focused on. There is It is so named because of this function in the transition of degree of distension. This tissue structure type is found in urothelium, including that of the urinary bladder, the ureters, and the superior urethra and gland ducts of the prostate. When the bladder is empty, it looks like an inverted pyramid but when it’s full, it’s shaped like an oval:





The reason for this is because the bladder is made of epithelial cells which can contract and expand, as said before.

In the base of the bladder, there’s a structure called a trigone, which is the triangular area made up of the openings from the ureters and the opening into the urethra.




6B Meal Charts


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In Science we did a project where we recorded how much of each food group we eat. The food groups are Grain, Protein, Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables. After we recorded our eating habits, we all tried to change our eating habits so that we were eating better. After, we recorded how much of each food we were eating and turned the before and after into a pie chart.

Spaceship Earth

In science class, we are doing a project called spaceship earth. It is where Nasa is having a 20 year voyage where a spaceship and a crew goes deep in space and sees how far they can go. We are the designers to the ship. They are not allowed to bring 20 years worth of anything  so they need to be able to produce everything they need on the ship.

Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 7.22.56 PMWe brainstormed some ideas about how we could do that and we realized that we could take outputs (waste) and turn them into inputs (things you need to survive). For air, we made greenhouses with a lot of trees to cycle carbon dioxide into oxygen. For water, we made water purifiers to turn grey water, into fresh water. For food, we would use solid waste and recycle it into soil to use to grow more food.

What I think an Atom looks like

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I think atoms look like this because we were watching History Of The World In Two Hours and the atoms looked like this. It was a little bit challenging making this because I had a really good picture in my head of what an atom looks like, but when I saw what shapes where in Tinkercad, the shapes made it hard for me to show the picture I had in my head. I was thinking a lot about trying not to think about what the most realistic atom would be, but what I thought an atom looks like.