Vocal Majors First Impressions

I really like vocal majors so far. I have learned a lot about my voice. For one, I have learned that I can sing a lot higher than I thought I could. When I was so used to singing pop songs, whenever I would try to sing a high note, I wouldn’t be able to because I was so used to singing pop. I also learned what I sound like when I’m not singing pop music. Usually, when I’m singing on my own time, I sing pop songs that I really like. When you’re singing other types of music, it’s different. Now, I know what I sound like when I’m singing different types of music. Singing different types of music where you need to sing a lot of different high notes has taught me that when I sing high notes, my voice becomes very quiet and soft. I never would have learned that if it wern’t for singing in vocal majors.

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