Category Archives: Chaney

My unfinished polygon Venn Diagram

My number puzzle

My number is lower than 20. My number is a factor of 30.

My number can make only a one tile wide rectangle. My number is odd.

What is my number?

Math graphing observations

ADH5-graphs 2

In this picture, you will notice many different graphs. Now, as good as they may seem, none are perfectly accurate. Some have stops that do not fit the story. Some have sprinting instead of speed-walking. All have their own different faults. I will not specify people’s graphs, but there are many worth commenting on. The graph on the top right of section B, for example. At the end, it barely slowed. In the beginning, it sprinted instead of walking. The bottom left in B, has some problems too. The beginning makes it look like it starts at 5 meters. Well, when you don’t inspect it closely, that is. The top right on C goes even further in meters, than in seconds. The top left on B stops at three fourths of the way to the end. It was only supposed to go halfway. I will not blame anyone because it is not really their fault. Perfect graphing is not an overnight skill.All the graphs could be better. But as I said, you can’t blame them. By the way, you may have to scroll over to see the whole picture.