Category Archives: Fifth

My Hero essay

This is the hero essay I wrote.


Mabel’s Hero Essay

By Mabel


A hero is someone who is kind, brave, intelligent, selfless, and inspiring.  A true hero can make you try to be a better person. Heroes can be ancient like Ulysses, who fought at Troy, or modern, like Malala, who fought for female education in Afghanistan. Ulysses displayed stereotypical hero traits, while Malala was driven by determination to succeed, and displayed compassion, kindness, and an excellent sense of what is right, and what is wrong. Ulysses may have been brave, but Malala sacrificed herself so that women and girls in Afghanistan could have education.


While Ulysses did some heroic things, but in the end, they weren’t quite enough for him to qualify as a hero. Ulysses did things so bad that they overrode his good deeds, and he lacked some vital heroic qualities, such as compassion and kindness. Ulysses showed excessive pride when he blinded Polyphemus, and he said, “If anyone asks, it it not nobody, but Ulysses who has done this to you,” on page 26 in the Ulysses book. Ulysses was brave and clever, but he was not very kind. Therefore, he should not be remembered as a hero.


A good example of a hero would be someone like Malala. Someone who would risk themselves for others. She was brave, determined, and kind, and she almost sacrificed her life so girls could go to school in Afghanistan. She put herself in mortal peril for the benefit of others. I personally think that a person like Malala should definitely be a hero, because they would put their whole lives on hold so that others could have better lives, even if it meant risking their own life for a very small change.


Think about a world where people like Malala who stood up for education, and Pushpa Basnet who made a home and school for children in jail, were not there to help! The world would be a miserable fail. Heroes are supposed to change and help the world, and with no one changing  and helping, the world would be a huge ball of misery! The world might even slide back into slavery and extreme racism! We wouldn’t want this for the world. A world as bad as 9/11. With death possibly just around the corner! I’d get to the other side of the world if that was the only way to escape a horrible earth. Without heros, this is what the earth would come to. We need people like Malala and Pushpa Basnet. We need people who can be brave, strong, kind, courageous, valiant, and most of all, someone who would risk their own lives to save our earth. We need to step up, and be those people!

This is the book we read first.

Pictographic Character Project

Below is a picture of mandarin project. The assignment was to make a poster of how your chosen character’s writing evolved. I chose Huò. Fire. I chose this character because it is sort of satisfying when it is finished. It is like the satisfaction you get from a fire in the hearth n a cold morning. A fire that you worked hard for. A fire that you helped to burn. A fire that you gathered the logs for in the cold evening last night. I would know. I have done that. Try it. It is very satisfying.


This is 这是谁的, which is one of the sets on quizlet.

My unfinished polygon Venn Diagram

Egyptian slideshow on Shabti

4 things I hate about living in New York

Some things I hate about living in New York are…

– the litter that so many people drop on the sidewalk and in the subway because it is bad for the earth

– the disgusting people in the subway who spit their gum into the tracks because it is just plain disgusting

– the mobs of people in the subway who push you away so that they can get on a crowded train without caring about you ( need I explain this problem? I think we all know how annoying that is,)

– the dancers in the subway because they are so annoying, and their stupid stunts could get someone really hurt if these “shows” get out of hand, plus, if these people can afford to learn tricky dance moves, they can’t be THAT poor.

Editing Everyday Objects

Below is a picture of a flower in a pot. But this is no normal flower, or a normal flower pot. It is actually a disguised spy gadget. It is sort of a camera. The center of this high-tech, super realistic flower is actually a state of the art camera. The eyes carved into the flower pot are not decorations. They are robotic eyes that sort of report what they are seeing to a spy base camera. It is supposed to solve the problem that spies can be spying on spies. It’s primary function is to be a super sneaky action movie spy camera. Spies can also plant it in enemy base. It is very high tech and the disguise is perfect.

Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 6.38.09 PM

What I want for the planner

I think that maybe the planners should have a few pictures on the covers. Somewhere there should be a draw it yourself page. A lot of people would like that. I think that there should be less pictures and more room for being ourselves. We should be able to show who we are in drawings, so there should totally be a doodle cover. I think that it should be more about homework than about pictures of silly things that may or may not be appropriate! We put so much work into them being funny that we did not pay enough attention to the actual homework part of it. We could have done a lot better with that. Now, on a less critical note, I think that we did really well with getting them done on time with no last minute screw ups. So, we did pretty well.

My Music!

Imagine the Future

“When you were in lower school, what was something that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?
What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?
What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?
What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”

I was excited for dessert. I also wondered if we could handle it. I am proud that we could. I was nervous about Ashoken. I felt better when I realized how fun it was. I am nervous for the Egyptian Tomb. I would feel a little less nervous if I was not reading books where there are freaky Egyptian curses. The magic kind. I have not yet done a play. I am excited because I love acting, singing, and dancing.


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