Who The Heck Are You Process

In humanities, we have been working on a project called Who The Heck Are You. We have 5 steps in the process, and here’s how they went.

Step 1: The Letter

We picked someone we wanted to interview, and wrote a letter to them. This letter contained a formal invitation to interview the person, times when you could meet with your interviewee, your contact information, and a request for what times they would be available. We delivered our letters and waited to hear back. When our possible interviewees responded, we would begin the next step

Step 2: The Questions

We decided on 10 minimum questions that we would ask the person. We also made final arrangements about when we would meet for the big interview. When the time came, we moved on.

Step 3: The Interview

We met with our interviewees at some point, and asked them a series of questions. We wrote down the answers, and recorded the whole thing. I chose to interview my friend Armant because for a while it seemed like he was more than he looks, and I also knew proetty much nothing about him. Here are the questions I asked. Where are you from? Who’s in your family (parents, siblings, cousins)? Academic things you enjoy ( during IWP, reading, writing etc)? Places you want to go? Things you want to do before you’re too old? Favorite pastimes (weekends)? Favorite games (with family/friends)? Favorite movies (with family/friends)? Favorite foods? What do you want to be? Why do you want to be ___? The whole thing went pretty well, though we got interrupted with 4 questions to go. But we did that over email and managed to finish before the deadline. 

Step 4: The Step 2 Document

We listened to our interview a lot, and wrote down the most interesting bits. We started planning what we would write.

Step 5: The Final Paper

We did a lot of work on these, and it took all of these steps to get here. We spent a lot of time writing, but just as much time editing and peer editing. Click here for my final paper.


About Mabel Stafford

My name is Mabel and I am a member of the human trafficking group. Human trafficking is when someone is forced into some type of labor in order for the trafficker to gain a valued item. Our aim is to stop human trafficking and help survivors recover.


  1. I like how you stated all of the rules well you explained your personal experience.

  2. I really like this because you really made it clear what the steps were. Good job!

  3. I think that it was a good idea that you chose Armant because you seem like you want to know him much better. I like how you put the different steps in a really organized way!

  4. This is really good. I think you could of explained steps 4/5 a little more. Great work though!

  5. I think I learned a bit about myself.

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