My mandarin reflection

I have really enjoyed Mandarin, but I think I could have enjoyed it more. My goals are to not space out in class, and to do the best I can every time I try. I think I definitely have some work to do, but if I try a little harder, I’ll get there. Mandarin is really complicated, but it is very interesting and fun. For example, the Chinese New Year. That is really fun. I still need to stop looking at the clock on really nice mondays because I want recess, but I think I have that sorted now. Overall, Mandarin is great, but I could do better. I think I really need to work on having the right character and stroke order in my head,, but I think I am at least okay at pinyin. My goals for the last quarter are:

– Studying with my textbook and workbook more

– Quizlet tests becoming 100% correct every time

– Get a cho mao sticker on a test

– Try my best and not have to retake each test 3 times

I think I’ll get there if I just try a little harder and stop spacing out when I am really tired,, because I come out of it a little confused. I think that if I get these things done, I will get to a higher level, and that is my ultimate goal.


About Mabel Stafford

My name is Mabel and I am a member of the human trafficking group. Human trafficking is when someone is forced into some type of labor in order for the trafficker to gain a valued item. Our aim is to stop human trafficking and help survivors recover.

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