Food Fight

Screenshot 2015-02-25 at 9.20.04 AM My favorite animal was the Gazelle. My strategy was effective. I simply tricked the other player.  I would ask what the other person ate. When I played Armont, he ate the same things I did, except for tall grass. So I only ate tall grass, so that I would not feed him, too. I used whatever information I gained, to my advantage. When had I had predators, I did one of two things. Depending on the predator, I would either out eat the predator, or eat their food and let them starve. This was so effective, that my Gazelle made it to the final four in the championship!


About Mabel Stafford

My name is Mabel and I am a member of the human trafficking group. Human trafficking is when someone is forced into some type of labor in order for the trafficker to gain a valued item. Our aim is to stop human trafficking and help survivors recover.

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