New Planner Idea

Today, in D-Lab, we came up with ideas for new homework planners. I would like to present my group’s best suggestion. The idea is to shape the new planner like an I-Phone. Instead of having “Samsung” or “AT&T” at the top, it would say ‘Homework’. Instead of having colorful apps, the subjects would occupy the app squares. Then you could fill in your homework in the correct “App”. This really is a coincidence though, because I am writing about homework, for homework! Anyway, thank you for listening. I hope you will consider my offer.


About Mabel Stafford

My name is Mabel and I am a member of the human trafficking group. Human trafficking is when someone is forced into some type of labor in order for the trafficker to gain a valued item. Our aim is to stop human trafficking and help survivors recover.


  1. Mabel,

    I love these ideas! Very cool! One quick note– “coincidence” has two i’s. Make that one correction and update the post and you’ll be all set!


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