Category Archives: Edson

My Thanksgiving Piece

The Butt Fumble Game


I remember the Thanksgiving when my dad and I went to the Jets- Patriots game on November 22, 2012. You might remember it as the Butt Fumble Game, which is always on the Thanksgiving Sportscenter Not Top Ten. I was eager for the game because it was my first night game. When I walked into Metlife Stadium, I was hoping that the Jets would win, but that was almost impossible. The odds weren’t in our favor, and they only would have been in our favor if Tom Brady was injured.


Things were looking great in the first quarter, 0-0. The Patriots normally score before then. The second quarter we came out down 35-3. On the third score of the game, the horrific butt fumble happened. I couldn’t believe my eyes as Mark Sanchez, the Jets quarterback, called a play action fake, which is when the quarterback fakes a handoff and passes the ball. He faked the handoff to the running back and decided to sneak instead of passing. I thought he was going to get a few yards, but he “sprinted” into Brandon Moore’s butt, who is an offensive linemen on the Jets. I was in shock that he did such an idiotic play. He fumbled the ball and the Patriots safety Steve Gregory returned it 21 yards for a disastrous touchdown, and the Patriots lead got even bigger. After the play I heard Patriots fans screaming in happiness.  The Jets fans were not saying anything, and looked pale. I saw a lot of Jets fans curse and leave the stadium in rage. By the end of the quarter, my dad and I left even though I begged him to stay. I wanted to stay because I knew if I went home I would have to go to bed, and I wanted to watch the rest of the game. We left anyway.  This game helped me learn to always think before doing.  Let’s hope that only butt fumbles will happen to the Patriots for the rest of eternity!

Every class wrote a thanksgiving piece. It was about a thanksgiving memory we had. Mine was about the Jets game. Two people from each class got to read their thanksgiving piece at the assembly, and I was one of them!


My Beowulf POV from Grendel

“Dum dum dum, out the fen I go! Over to Hall Heorot, where the muffins grow!” I sang while strolling to Hall Heorot. I had heard from my good friend Jim the bat that they had extremely good muffins at the hall. I thought, “Maybe I’ll go there and ask if I can have one.”


It took a long time, but I finally got to the hall. I was walking slowly and I had bags under my eyes because it was so long! “Knock knock,” and the door went “Boom!” it exploded. I forgot how strong I was. “Maybe next time I’ll shout so they can open the door,” I thought. I step into the hall, but it sounded like “STOMP!” I sighed in relief that no one woke up from that.


I tap the nearest person so I could ask for a muffin, but “Squish,” he’s dead. I quickly eat the remains “Chomp chomp.” so there’s no evidence that I accidently killed him. I take a step back, and accidently “Squish,” he’s dead to. So I eat him as well, so there’s no evidence. “Buuuuurppppp!” and I wake a couple of people up. I try to say, “Can I please have one of those delicious muffins you have?” but it comes out as, “Mmmmmmmuffmmm ahh don’t kill me!”


They try hitting me with swords, but no “Burst,” happens, no “Ow,” the swords just bounce off me. I start to laugh, “Hehehehehe make it stop! Hahahahaha! That tickles,” and then I get a cut. Someone must have scratched me. I start bleeding. “Owwww! Please stop attacking me,” and then I get angry. All I wanted was a muffin! I try running away from them, but I just make more people turn to red mush. I start feeling really bad because I killed all of these people. “I hope they can forgive me in the afterlife,” I thought. Once again, I eat the remains. “This tastes disgusting! At least the Fen God won’t get mad at me,” I thought.


I continue backing up until some weirdo grabbed my arm with his furry claws and clamped down. “AAYYYYYY! Stop! Let go! I just want a muffin!” but he doesn’t let go. He just digs in harder. “Mommy! Help me! I’m dyyyyyyyyyinnnngggg!” but she doesn’t come. I swing my arm, in an attempt to get him off. He just holds on harder. Then he starts transforming. He grows 5 more feet and hands. “Ahh! What kind of monster are you! Just be normal!” I say. He ignores me and grows 5 more legs and heads. I start seeing black at the edge of my mind. I make one last attempt to get him off. As before, he just grips harder.


“Pop!” my shoulder starts bleeding. It looks like a volcanic eruption! “OWWWWWWWW! That hurts! What did I ever do to you?” I say and run out the already broken down door and all the way to the fen.


Thesises from Ashokan

The best part of the Ashokan trip was the ropes course because almost everyone was happy while doing it, it was hard which made it fun, and some people told me they had a lot of fun.

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The worst part of the Ashokan trip was sleeping because it was hard to fall asleep, we had to wake up early and we had to go to bed early.

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My Beowulf Project


This is Io, Miles and mine’s Beowulf Project.  This is Hall Hereot. It was fun working on. I made the walls and ceiling. Io made the table and chairs and Miles did the details and quotes. A strength was making everything, but it was hard putting it all together. The ceiling is hanging from the ceiling to make it more balanced. We’re all really proud of it.