Monthly Archives: June 2016

My favorite project

My favorite project this year was the map project. I really liked that we got to work in 3D. We haven’t done that a lot this year, and I really like working in 3D. I made 3D monuments, and that made it really fun for me because that is my favorite type of 3D art, working with clay. IMG_2542

My map project

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This is my map project. It is called Monument Map. I created it by cutting holes in the map where the monuments would go in real life, and made them out of clay. I then painted it. The Brooklyn Bridge is made of styrofoam. I learned how to persevere while working on this because I accidently dropped the statue of liberty and had to start over. My favorite part was building the monuments out of clay. I really like using clay and making things in 3D. If I could change something about it, I would redo the Empire State Building because it is a little rushed. I was surprised how good everything came out at the end.