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Summer books


White Fang by Jack London:

white fang



Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit


Image result for wrinkle in time

My notes:

  1. I love how the first sentence is, “It was a dark and stormy night.” I wonder if that is where it started.
  2. Charles is Meg’s safety net. I think Charles is a very interesting character because he is young and he is one of the wisest in the family.
  3. Mrs. Whatsit is probably magical and she is going to take them on a journey.
  4.  I think it is weird that Calvin became freinds right after they meet.
  5. I think that the dad may be dead
  6. I wonder if the mom is going to wonder where they went.
  7. I didn’t expect the they would go into space I thought they were goona travel in time
  8. I think that the happy medium feels bad for the kids
  9. I think that the journry there was harder than than geeting their father
  10.  think the the Mrs. W’s wanted to teach the kids on this adventure and not only get thier father back.
  11.  I think that Meg is going to do better in school after this.
  12. I think the ending left you on a cliffhanger but it was still happy a happy ending
  13. I wonder if the next book is going to be another family and Mrs. Whatsit is going to be there wtih her freinds.



My Poems

Poem 1.


Really I do, I remember when I walked in.

Excited and scared.

My purple dress puffy at the bottom.

Earlier I thought of all my old friends. Would I make new ones?

Magenta dress, she popped out

Blissfully I walk up to her, we are friends

Exciting, Memorable, Imaginative And Loyal,

Really hoping when she thinks of me , she thinks of that.

   Poem 2.

What am I?

I sit there in front of the school.

Giving everyone drama , fun, and life.

I see them grow but,

my friends never stay.

They always go away. 🙁

I respect them, but do the respect me?

I am a tree.

I  have beautiful leaves !    

Why won’t  you love me?



Poem 3.

The Bus

Bouncing to the stop

The bus rumbles and rides by

What have I missed


Poem 4

Rumi Style

Your love of life is your love of fun.

No matter what!


Life is your boat, don’t let it sink.

Hold on to what you get.

And love it with your heart.

Bubble Map

We did a bubble map of all the systems. I think that it went well because I got a lot done. I also did a lot at the start because I had a lot of ideas. Spelling got in the way because I had to keep trying to rewrite the word. Overall it went well.

Shabanu news

We are Adham, Shamam, and Siad, the Manzil brothers! We are looking for a beautiful new home for a beautiful young couple, handsome Murad and stunning Phulan in Pakistan. Here are Phulan’s requirements:


  • Close to the toba
  • Has a spot to pray
  • A big kitchen, where I can cook my paan
  • At least an hour away from my family so I can visit them


These are Murad’s requirements:


  • Extra land to tend the camels
  • The home should be close to a trading spot
  • Far away from civilization so I can relax in peace with my wife!


Here are the three houses we have expertly chosen to fit the couple’s requirements:


House #1

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This is a colorful house! It is close to a toba and has perfect spot to go pray. It is also close to Phulan’s family.


Inside is a beautiful bedroom with sheets of silk. The kitchen is also very magnificent. It is big enough to cook 10 paans at a time! Don’t forget about Chapatis! You can cook those, too.


It costs: 8,509.22 Rs


House #2

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A spacious mud house, only thirty minutes away from your own land. The home consists of one bathroom, two bedrooms, a kitchen, sitting room, huge toba and land. This home has a large master bedroom fit for three people and a sitting area by the window. There is a second bedroom for your future children which comes with a hammock and quilt. The bathroom is spacious, and allows you to move around in it. The sitting room is fit for the whole family, this opens up to the kitchen. The kitchen not big, but, it includes cooking supplies. This home comes with a guest bed outside, under a tree. This home has doors made out of bamboo and a includes cooking supplies in the kitchen. This house costs 6,500 rupees.


House #3:

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A fine straw house a quarter of a mile from a toba. Very far from other residences, out in the open. Attached to the house is a small kitchen, a washroom, and a clay slab for prayer 5 times a day.The price is 4,300.20 rupees (Very reasonable compared to other houses in the area), and a grazing area for the camels completes this very useful house. If this house’s price is too much for your budget, trading 2 daughters for marriage is also an option! They must be beautiful and be able to have healthy sons.



Today was strange. I was out side when I spotted a camel trying to have birth. I ran to it with little knowledge and started tugging at his wobbly legs. He slowly came out,eventually I got Mithoo. Which was his new name! I was so scared because of the vultures as they pecked and the moms flesh. I would try to get rid of them by kicking, but they kept coming back. I do know that if the mom is dead Mithoo could not live.The mom had died right after I got Mithoo out.  She new there was no point in living, at least I think. The mom was wise to me, she new she had to keep breathing for her son. Poor mom eaten by vultures.


Quote: ” I name the baby camel Mithoo for the sweetness of his nature.”pg.20



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6. a.m

Look at  the sidewalk

The lone leaf blows in the wind

Are we alone to

I wrote this poem because I wondered what it would be like to wake up and go out side at 6.a.m. I inferred that you would be all alone, so I worked that into a poem. I wonder how close I  got to explaining someones experience. I think that this also represents solitude because in my poem they are all alone.

Golden Eyes

I wish I was like my sister. She is like the sun and a human combine. If  I was her I would say I am Phulan. She does everything right! Whenever I see her, her hair shimmers in the wind. She is like Mama. How come I am not like Mama? I love Dadi, but he is not Mama, Mama has golden eyes. Dadi is normal like me. Phulan  is special, she looks like an angle. If I were like her for a day I would feel excellent. I would feel like the world ciculated around me, just once.

My quote: “Phulan looks like Mama tall and slender with golden eyes and fine features.” pg.29


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Structure fits Function




This is a picture of a human bone and an eagle bone as you can tell our bone is completely filled in unlike the bird bone.The bird bone is hollow allowing the bird to fly.


What is the difference between bird bones and human bones? Have you ever wondered how the shape of a bone can affect the function? Did you think it did not make a difference? If so then you are wrong. The shape of bird bones and human bones are very important because humans and birds are very different and the bones have to work as an advantage for those differences, For Example:


A bird’s bone is hollow  for a lot of reasons, such as:

The bird needs to have a limited amount of weight so it can fly, if the bone wasn’t hollow it wouldn’t be able to fly. Flying benefits the bird for many different reasons. One of them is that they don’t have to worry about the land predators as much as the air predators. Smaller birds fly away fast and attack the predator if it is going for the nest.


The bird bone has long bar shapes called trabeculae which will keep the bone from breaking in flight. This design helps fit the function because the trabeculae is almost like string, and it is also small so there is not a lot of weight.


The bird bone is hollow but human bones are not.  The outside layer is dense, a tough outer layer. The next layer is spongy bone and after that is marrow. That combination makes human bones. Our bones aren’t only for holding us up though, our bones do many things. Our bones are used for storage of blood cells, and fatty acids. Our bones also help us move. And they help protect some of our internal organs, like our ribs help protect our heart.




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