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This is the Quizlet set that we have been studying on  that the teacher made. It is about the countries

This is my set, and it contains sentences  I have learned.



This is the work we did before our test. It helped us prepare. We used our books to help us with this.

Photo on 11-2-15 at 6.49 PM


We also learned some random things like:

Photo on 11-2-15 at 6.51 PM #2

growing up with chinese

I am working  on maps because I have trouble figuring out where continets go. I am hoping that  I will get it  eventullay,but for know to work on my goal I will  study hard when there is a quiz. I think this will work because it will get in my head. I feel good about the Beowulf project because  I work well in a group and I like to be creative. I made the fen a scary place were the most vile creatures live. Like: Witchs and vampires and org. I did it with Gus, Kate and Zach.

This is my Beowulf project it is the fen



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