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Imagine the Future



“When you were in lower school, what was soemthing that you were excited about for fifth grade? How do you feel about it now that you’ve done it?  I thought you would get more freedom and I did. I love that we can go to classes by our selfs.

What was something about fifth grade that you were a little nervous or worried about? How do you feel about it now?

world langue I was scared it was going to be really hard. It is hard . I am in mandarin so the tones make it really hard.

What is something about which you are still a little nervous or worried? What might you do to feel a little less nervous or worried?

Mandarin, because people say there are really  hard tests coming. People say that everyone fails so it will not just be me I hope.

What is something that you haven’t done yet in middle school about which you are excited? What are you excited about it?”

I am exited for the civilization simulation because I love history  We always do something like this every year.

World Population!

Photo on 10-16-14 at 4.53 PMI think that this was hard because of all the events. So I started mine with a curve because everything was running smoothly villages were growing.  Then the graph went down to 5 million people. I had to change a lot  because thought went mostly up. So I had to start all over again.I noticed that it is pretty amazing how quick the graph goes up or the population.

Chronological order

One day at school we did this activity where we got bunch of card with history events on them like the Big Bang.Then we put them in chronological order. My group got confused about all the human events we had to switch the card around we had. We had cards that were where humans had walk to and we got confused .We were talking about how the ape turned into humans. I learned  that there is so many events history it would  be impossible to count them all.photo


Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 9.17.53 AM

I think that my atom is pretty real because  it is dark .Thats why I only added dark  colors all I can see is dark in my  mind because bright colors just doesn’t work as an atom. I think I added to many details because the atom is  really small and I wouldn’t imagine it to have a lot of detail. I want to get rid of the dots on the top.


Math Graph


I think that the one in B, the one that is on the top in the row with two in it is too colorful that I  can’t  read it. The one in A is kind of lonely I think that because thats the hardest one person  chose it. I like that all the graphs in C are about the same. But they all have a curl. I noticed that not all the graphs look the same. They all have different heights at different times but end up on the same number because people have different ideas on the speed. I did fast Running quick on my graph.








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