One day I decided to make a lemonade stand with my friend, Bridgette. We had been waiting  forever to make one. After we set it up, we got our first sale in just a few minutes. The customer had been in her car, and was getting  her money out. As we were getting  lemonade for her, we started a traffic jam!  I rushed over to get the money from her. She had given us ten dollars, and left in disgust.


After about an hour, we only had twelve dollars in sales. We had hit a low point in sales, so we started brainstorming ideas for more customers. We  deiced to put pigtails  in our hair to look younger. We thought the adults that  came would feel pity on us if we were younger. Unfortunately, it did not turn out well because  we were too tall. After we tried some other ideas,  we got tired and packed up.


From this experience, I  learned  that you need to come prepared to sell lemonade because you need fresh ideas. It was a funny, but crazy  time. Next summer I hope to do it again with a new plan. I want to also sell something different, like toys.I think that having   2 people also helps make it more enjoyable and  that’s why I want to do it again.