Name:Emily Sept. 2016

Making Thirteen Colonies Homework

Directions: Read chapter 2 in Making Thirteen Colonies. Answer the following questions below. Use complete sentences. The following assignment is due on Friday, September 16th.


What are the characteristics of the “gentlemen” as described in this reading? (Please be detailed in your description). How do they differ from “younkers?”


Being a gentleman was probably based on luck. If you were born into a rich family, you get the privilege of not having to care about work, so you get to go on journeys and hopefully try and find some gold. If you go on these journeys you get Younkers to come with you. Younkers are cheap helpers on the boat that were great for going on journeys because young people love to explore. It says on p.19, “ If a younker fell in the ocean and was lost well, too bad.” It a younker fell in the water no one would care, but if a gentlemen  fell in everyone would be freaking out and they would probably make younkers jump in to save them. Obviously, one trait of gentlemen is helpless. A gentleman is not able to do anything  except demand, they may be able to travel in a boat, but their money carries them through life. This brings up the topic that gentlemen are very spoiled and  probably Elegant. it says on page 18,”Their puffed knee pants, their silk stockings, their feathered hats, their gaudy blouses.” this proves that they are spoiled because if you are going on a journey you do not need silk stocking.The younkers are the opposite, they feel very lucky just to be able to go on a journey and see the magnificent sights.

Take a closer look at the picture of page 19 and the caption that accompanies it. How are people in London imagining the New World based on what this picture shows? Be specific and be sure to reference the picture.

The Europeans thought America to be somewhat of a utopia or Garden of Eden. This was a very high expectation to be putting on a land they have never gone to. It says on page 19, “It had to be full of animals known to Europeans only from myths.” They thought they were going to be in God’s paradise with God’s stories, it was paradise. On the other side of the picture was war and fire, a dystopia. It was filled with men shooting arrows and people dying and the Europeans sat in peace singing, frolicking, and resting. They thought God created a shield from the real world, like a big wall in the way of all bad people or sinners. They could watch all of the vile violent things and not be a part of them. They could explore the area and pick flowers in their utopia. They would have everything. In the picture it also shows That all of their plants are growing and they have tons of fish to eat. It also seem like they Europeans don’t have to kill all of their animals because all of their crops like wheat are growing nicely, and they have fish.

How well prepared would you say this group of men and boys was for the challenges of a new and unfamiliar land? Do you predict success or failure for this company’s colonizing attempts at this point? Why? Be sure to use textual evidence and analysis. Quotes

I think that their attempt to go a new land was a success because they did make it to a land. They found Spaniards and defeated them. Like it says on page 19,”Newport had led an Expedition that destroyed or captured twenty Spanish vessels and sacked four towns in the West Indies and florida.” This proves that they are going to have a great journey because they are ready fight for this land. It says on page 20, “That was its beauty and abundance.” I think the quote definitely describes what they thought of this place. I think they will colonize well because they are determined to have a new home.( also because I think that is what we are studying!) Another thing is that they are a very strong community. They probably have a lot of stumbles like the cold, bare, and frozen winter and maybe even famine. This could be a challenge for them, but I am sure they did well to make a community. I do not think that they were prepared for this journey at first but it says on page 20, “ Captain Newport soon had them in Canary island, where they got fresh water and food.” This proves that they were not ready at the beginning because they did not know how far they needed to go, but they got more supplies and they were very prepared for new things to come. Overall I think they did well on this journey and are sure to succeed.