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Summer books


White Fang by Jack London:

white fang



Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit


Image result for wrinkle in time

My notes:

  1. I love how the first sentence is, “It was a dark and stormy night.” I wonder if that is where it started.
  2. Charles is Meg’s safety net. I think Charles is a very interesting character because he is young and he is one of the wisest in the family.
  3. Mrs. Whatsit is probably magical and she is going to take them on a journey.
  4.  I think it is weird that Calvin became freinds right after they meet.
  5. I think that the dad may be dead
  6. I wonder if the mom is going to wonder where they went.
  7. I didn’t expect the they would go into space I thought they were goona travel in time
  8. I think that the happy medium feels bad for the kids
  9. I think that the journry there was harder than than geeting their father
  10.  think the the Mrs. W’s wanted to teach the kids on this adventure and not only get thier father back.
  11.  I think that Meg is going to do better in school after this.
  12. I think the ending left you on a cliffhanger but it was still happy a happy ending
  13. I wonder if the next book is going to be another family and Mrs. Whatsit is going to be there wtih her freinds.



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