Mandarin third quarter

In the third quarter we learned many things including school supplies, basic sentences, the happy birthday song, Chinese new year characters. We also had a big test that we had to study for. The third quarter was the hardest but we learned a bunch.

Operation Manual

IMG_20150414_085355642_HDR This is my operation manual for earth. It is a manual on how to run earth if humans go extinct and another species comes to earth. We had to come up with different ideas about different rules like garbage never goes away and if you disrupt the food chain species could go extinct.

Polygon Venn Diagram

Screenshot 2015-04-02 at 9.35.57 AMThis is my polygon Venn diagram. A Venn diagram is two or more circles that connect in different ways. If they overlap it means that there are three categories. Sometimes it can be one circle inside of another or the circles could not even connect. What we had to do is sort certain polygons in their category.

My Fiction Story

The Attack of Asalfrasalia

by Eli Harris

Chapter 1


The alarm just went off, school was over, the start of spring break. My friend Johnny and I were going skiing in Colorado. We were both leaving later that day.


When we got there they went straight to the hotel and went to bed. The next day we went straight to skiing.


Chapter 2


Johnny told his parents that he was hungry so we went up to the top of the mountain for lunch.


During lunch Johnny told me that he was starting to get a headache and a stomachache, he told his mom and my dad overheard him and told him it was altitude sickness. After a little while I could see it started to get worse and Johnny looked like he felt nausea. My parents and Johnny’s mom went down to the bottom of the mountain, and Johnny’s Dad and I stayed with Johnny.


I could see that Johnny did not look good. I felt bad for him. Then I thought if it’s getting worse than it is definitely not altitude sickness. Johnny’s dad told me to go get a doctor.


Chapter 3


When I came back with the doctor I could see that Johnny felt a little better since there was a doctor. The doctor tested him and said that he had a rare disease called Asalfrasalia and the only way to cure it was for me to go to the other side of the mountain and get the doctors medicine that was lost decades ago in a snowstorm.


I was all very shocked why I had to go get the medicine and not someone else. But then I thought, I would be doing Johnny a big favor.


When I got outside there was a blizzard going on. Such good luck, I thought to myself. I got my skis on and started to ski. The only advantage was that there was a lot of powder.

I finally got to the other side of the mountain but I had to dig a lot to find it. While I was digging I was thinking to myself, am I going to be too late or am I going to save Johnny from Asalfrasalia.


All of the sudden when I was digging I started to feel like the ground beneath me was disappearing. So my instincts kicked in and I moved out of the way. When all of the snowed cleared I could see a little glass bottle. Inside the bottle there was a dark liquid, that had to be the medicine I thought. I grabbed the liquid and started to head back.


Chapter 4

When I was heading back to johnny I realized that since I skied down I was going to have to hike up the mountain. So I started to hike up carrying my skis on my back. Vail has a high altitude so it made the climb even harder. After a little while of climbing I could see the place where we had lunch. I was ready to pass out, and trust me I have hiked before but nothing like this, it was crazy. When I finally reached the top I quickly ran inside.



Chapter 5


I quickly ran over to the doctor gave him the medicine and he gave it to Johnny for him to drink. After Johnny drank it he then started to look a little bit better and he told us he did not have a headache anymore. He did not look like he wanted to throw up.



Chapter 6


Since Johnny felt better we got our stuff in and went outside to get our ski’s on. I carried Johnny’s ski’s down for him and Johnny’s dad carried him down the mountain.


When we got to the bottom everyone was glad to see us all okay. Right when I got back to my hotel room I took a shower and then johnny and my family went out to dinner together. On the way to dinner we had to tell my parents and Johnny’s mom what had happened and how Johnny could have died.


Chapter 7


When we got to the restaurant we did not realize but everyone had heard about the thing that happened to Johnny and how I saved him. When we walked into the restaurant everyone was calling me the hero and Johnny the survivor. I felt really good after that and I could tell that johnny did to. After dinner to celebrate Johnny being okay we went to an ice cream place. The man working there also knew what had happened and gave the ice cream to us 50% off.


When we got back to the hotel I was ready to go to sleep so I got my pajamas on and went to bed.


The next day when I went downstairs to get breakfast and then get my ski boots on I could see johnny coming out of the elevator. When he came over to him I asked him “do you think it is such a good idea to go skiing” and he said, “Definitely with my hero around”. I laughed and then we both went to breakfast and then went to get our ski boots on and went skiing.


When we got back to school on that Monday, during writing we had to write about our spring breaks and right after our teacher told us that I knew what I was going to write about.


Screenshot 2015-02-25 at 9.21.09 AMMy strategy for growing my population was if I was playing against a short character you put down tall trees since the giraffe is tall. When there was predators what I would do is put down my own population