steps to making a duct tape wallet

okay lets get started you will any color duct tape scissors. lets get started  you will need to get five or more strips of duct tape and lay them out. then get five or more other strips of duct tape and put them on top of the duct tape you have layed out in the beginning. then get other duct tape and connect other strips so they look like  a block of duct connect then you connect the sides there you go your duct tape wallet. bye

2 thoughts on “steps to making a duct tape wallet

  1. Yori,
    This is a good start. But your work needs to be redone. You should write in detailed steps, check the capitalization, too. And you need detailed pictures of the different stages of the building process.

  2. When you say “okay lets get started you will any color duct tape scissors. lets get started ” I was wondering what “you will any color duct tape scissors” meant and also why you said “let’s get started” twice. And also when you say, “you will need to get five or more strips of duct tape and lay them out. ” I was wondering how long the strips of duct tape should be? When you say, “then get other duct tape and connect other strips so they look like a block of duct ” do you mean repeat the steps? And also when you say, “then you connect the sides there you go your duct tape wallet. bye” I think you could add more steps instead of just explaining the first part, I think it could be a little more detailed, same in the last dialogue.

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