Morning Meeting/Advisory Activity Ideas: Week of 9/20/21 DEIB/Current Events Ideas Week of 9/20/21 Activity: Community Agreements If you have not already [...]
HR/Advisory Activities Week of 5/31/21 DEI/Current Events Connections Week of 5/31/21 Ending the Year with a Gratitude Activity Ideas from Greater Good
HR/Advisory Activities Week of 5/24/21 DEI/Current Events Connections Week of 5/24/21 End-Of-Year Student Surveys We talked about surveys in the last [...]
HR/Advisory Activities Week of 5/17/21 DEI/Current Events Connections Week of 5/17/21 Easy and Fun Advisory Game! Video Quiz: Are You Smarter Than A Fifth [...]
HR/Advisory DEI/Current Connections Week of 2/1/21 February is Black History/Black Futures Month! Started by Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), Black History [...]
HR/Advisory Activity Ideas Week of 12/14/20 Current Events / Diversity & Inclusion 12/14/20 Video Share: How is it made? Here are some fascinating “How [...]
HR/Advisory Activity Ideas Week of 11/16/20 DEI / Current Events Connections 11/16/20 This week’s Affinity/Alliance Group Meetings Flocabulary Current [...]
HR/Advisory Activity Ideas Week of 11/2/20 DEI Connections / Current Events 11/2/20 Announcements: Affinity/Alliance Group Meetings Wed 11/4 Activity: [...]
HR Activity Ideas Week of 10/19/20 DEI Connections / Current Happenings Homeroom Activity Ideas: Play “Two truths and a lie” Play a Halloween Kahoot [...]
Week of 10/5/20: Ideas for HR DEI Related –“LREI: Who’s Who and Back to the Building” (slidedeck) Thank you Carrie for making and presenting this to [...]
REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (5/25/20) Current Events/Happenings (5/25/20) End-of-the-Year Reflection Prompts: Game Ideas for the Final Weeks: 1. “Name that [...]
REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (5/11/20) Current Events/Happenings (5/11/20) A “Sweet” MM game: Split into groups or have each student complete on their own [...]
Visual Zoom Challenge: Try to make one of the “Zoom visuals” below. Best with smaller groups or in breakouts (9 screens) Designate a “director” who will [...]
REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (4/27/20) Current Events/Happenings: 4/27/20 Indoor Scavenger Hunt: All players look for items typically found in homes and [...]
REMOTE MM/Advisory Ideas (4/20/20) Current Events Connections (4/20/20) Sharing Prompts: What’s something new you’ve been learning about yourself and your [...]
Student share activity: Pass a soft ball, plush toy, beanbag, etc. Pick a song (something students would be familiar with) and play it as they pass it [...]
Video: Fight Germs; Wash Your Hands the Correct Way (Center for Disease Control) 3:00 min Video: Get the Facts on Coronavirus; Explained (CBC News): 5.09 min
Team Building and Coordination (“Sync Claps from SessionLab”) “Participants stand in a circle and send a clap around the circle. Each clap involves two [...]
Activity: Group Brainstorm: “POPULARITY CONTEST” Directions: Gather students in teams Ask students to discuss the following and then make a list of [...]