Morning Meeting/Advisory Activity Ideas: Week of 9/20/21 DEIB/Current Events Ideas Week of 9/20/21 Activity: Community Agreements If you have not already [...]
Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great first week of school! The school year kicks off with so many great opportunities to grow in our abilities to [...]
HR/Advisory Activities Week of 5/31/21 DEI/Current Events Connections Week of 5/31/21 Ending the Year with a Gratitude Activity Ideas from Greater Good
HR/Advisory Activities Week of 5/24/21 DEI/Current Events Connections Week of 5/24/21 End-Of-Year Student Surveys We talked about surveys in the last [...]
HR/Advisory Activities Week of 5/17/21 DEI/Current Events Connections Week of 5/17/21 Easy and Fun Advisory Game! Video Quiz: Are You Smarter Than A Fifth [...]
HR/Advisory DEI/Current Connections Week of 2/1/21 February is Black History/Black Futures Month! Started by Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), Black History [...]
HR/Advisory Activity Ideas Week of 12/14/20 Current Events / Diversity & Inclusion 12/14/20 Video Share: How is it made? Here are some fascinating “How [...]
HR/Advisory Activity Ideas Week of 11/16/20 DEI / Current Events Connections 11/16/20 This week’s Affinity/Alliance Group Meetings Flocabulary Current [...]
HR/Advisory Activity Ideas Week of 11/2/20 DEI Connections / Current Events 11/2/20 Announcements: Affinity/Alliance Group Meetings Wed 11/4 Activity: [...]
HR Activity Ideas Week of 10/19/20 DEI Connections / Current Happenings Homeroom Activity Ideas: Play “Two truths and a lie” Play a Halloween Kahoot [...]
Week of 10/5/20: Ideas for HR DEI Related –“LREI: Who’s Who and Back to the Building” (slidedeck) Thank you Carrie for making and presenting this to [...]
REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (5/25/20) Current Events/Happenings (5/25/20) End-of-the-Year Reflection Prompts: Game Ideas for the Final Weeks: 1. “Name that [...]
REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (5/11/20) Current Events/Happenings (5/11/20) A “Sweet” MM game: Split into groups or have each student complete on their own [...]
Visual Zoom Challenge: Try to make one of the “Zoom visuals” below. Best with smaller groups or in breakouts (9 screens) Designate a “director” who will [...]
REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (4/27/20) Current Events/Happenings: 4/27/20 Indoor Scavenger Hunt: All players look for items typically found in homes and [...]
REMOTE MM/Advisory Ideas (4/20/20) Current Events Connections (4/20/20) Sharing Prompts: What’s something new you’ve been learning about yourself and your [...]
REMOTE LEARNING EDITION: Morning Meeting Share Ideas (3/31/20) Current Events Connections Prompt ideas for Morning Meeting: Students can pre-think of [...]
Weekly News Quiz for Students: Coronavirus, Afghanistan, New York State Ban Statistics in School Week (Census 2020) “This weeklong series of fun classroom [...]
Student share activity: Pass a soft ball, plush toy, beanbag, etc. Pick a song (something students would be familiar with) and play it as they pass it [...]
The theme for 2020 is “Valiant Women of the Vote.” Honor the women who fought to win the right to vote and for those who still fight to win the right for [...]
Video: Fight Germs; Wash Your Hands the Correct Way (Center for Disease Control) 3:00 min Video: Get the Facts on Coronavirus; Explained (CBC News): 5.09 min
News Literacy Project (The SIFT) “A national education nonprofit offering nonpartisan, independent programs that teaches students how to know what to [...]
Morning Meeting or Advisory Energizers! (from BookWidgets) “Sports gallery” is an intensive energizer. The teacher calls out different sports skills. The [...]
Black History Month Carter Godwin Wooden: “The History Behind Black History Month” (from TT) “In perhaps his most significant effort to improve the quality [...]
Team Building and Coordination (“Sync Claps from SessionLab”) “Participants stand in a circle and send a clap around the circle. Each clap involves two [...]
Flocabulary “Week-In-Rap” Weekly hip-hop videos about current events AND great videos about all subjects and topics! (subscription needed for some videos)
Activity: Group Brainstorm: “POPULARITY CONTEST” Directions: Gather students in teams Ask students to discuss the following and then make a list of [...]
Tech in 2020: “Seeing a Positive Reflection of Yourself in Media” – from Anti-Defamation League View and Discuss: What emojis would reflect you, your [...]
Some Healthy Team Competition: “Indoor Volleyball” shared by Luis Materials: String Balloon ( in place of volleyball) Chairs Set up: For net, string is [...]
(From American English Teaching) “January first. The beginning of a new year. People have celebrated the start of a new year throughout history in many [...]
Time Magazine: Person of the Year… Read and discuss this recent award! (Will this have an impact?) -Short article: “The Power of Youth” Times for Kids [...]
Slideshow and Activity: Filling Buckets (From Greater Good Science Center UCB) Background: “The Theory of the Dipper and the Bucket. Each of us has an [...]
From New York Times Learning Network: “What’s going on with the picture?” Image from: Dec. 2, 2019 From New York Times Learning Network: ‘Climate Change [...]
From 20 to 20 Face to Face Advisories: Perspective for a Diverse America Short Group Activity: “Spontaneous Clap” Longer Group Activity: “Responding to [...]
We Are Family: 50-Plus NYTimes Articles, Photos, Maps and More About Families of All Kinds “How does family shape who we are? Linked is a nonfiction [...]
Quick Share: Get a sense of the room with a popcorn share. What word describes your current mood? Longer Share: Students select a word and tell more, “Why [...]
From Cult of Pedagogy: The Compliments Project: “This is an incredible activity where students take turns being in the ‘hot seat’ while their classmates [...]
From Teaching Tolerance: “As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s important to remember that some Indigenous communities observe the holiday as a day of [...]
Featured Article: “90 Minutes a Day, Until 10 P.M.: China Sets Rules for Young Gamers” No playing video games after 10 p.m. No more than 90 minutes of [...]
Categories Activity (for some friendly class competition): Ask kids to get into groups (with those they rarely work with, or with advisories, tables, [...]
Current Events Idea: Impeachment Infographic (attached) Students can read this over together, in groups, as a class. Define bribery, treason, discuss [...]
Activity Idea: Venn Diagram Partner Share Using a Venn diagram, partners record ways they are different and similar, focusing their efforts on naming as [...]
This past Saturday, September 28, 2019 marked the first National TransVisibility March on Washington. Part of the March’s aim was to fight transphobia, [...]
1) Video of Friday’s Climate Marches from around the world. (3.58 min – The New Yorker) 2) These handouts can be shaded in and then discussed as a [...]
In 2015, 21 young Americans filed suit against the federal government. The plaintiffs, ages 11 to 22, demanded that the U.S. government take action to stop [...]