Team Building and Coordination
(“Sync Claps from SessionLab”)
“Participants stand in a circle and send a clap around the circle. Each clap involves two members of the group clapping their hands at the same time. The group tries to move the clap around the circle faster and faster with as much synchronization as possible. The exercise gets even more challenging when the ‘double clap’ is introduced and the clap can change direction.”
**(More Energizers from SessionLab)**
Snowball Fight: Team Building and Sharing (on any subject)
- Students write answers to different questions on paper.
- Participant crumple up their papers and conduct the snowball fight (!) for a suitable length of time.
- Pick up a snowball, review the answers and begin looking for the author of the answers (by actually asking the questions rather than holding up the paper and saying “Is this yours?”)
- When the reader finds the author they link arms with the reader on the left and the author on the right. Eventually all arms will be linked in a circle (or a few circles or pairs).
- Partners share what they learned about the other person.
(Questions could be about ERB strategies, current events ideas, weekend activities, etc.)