REMOTE: MM/Advisory Ideas (5/11/20) |
Current Events/Happenings (5/11/20) |
Advisory Check in and Reflection Prompts -“Appreciation” – Share about someone or something that you are grateful for this week -“Apologize” – share about something that you are sorry for doing (or not doing), saying (or not saying) this week -“Aha” – share something that you discovered, learned, realized, or were excited about this week
-“Sneaky Reading” can be defined as finding small opportunities in your day to “steal reading time.” Share this slide and ask students to talk about moments when they “sneak a read.” Then, read silently together in the Morning Meeting. (Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!) |
From Teaching Tolerance: “Affirming Black Lives without Inducing Trauma” “This week, we were disappointed to see wide circulation of the videos showing Ahmaud Arbery’s and Sean Reed’s shooting deaths. Educators have a responsibility to engage with students about this violence against Black men—and the white supremacist systems that allow it to continue. But they must do so without re-traumatizing Black students and with extra care for their mental health. These resources can help.” “I’m White and I’m Outraged by Ahmaud’s Murder. Now What?” – Medium Taharee A. Jackson PhD “17-year old creates a Covid-19 website tracker being used by millions around the world” Newsela
Mark your calendars! PBS’ Asian Americans: Premiere’s Monday 5/11 at 8PM! |