
Weekly Ideas for HR/Advisory Week of 11/2/20

November 2, 2020 - Advisory Activity, Current Events, Middle School, Morning Meeting

HR/Advisory Activity Ideas

Week of 11/2/20

DEI Connections /

Current Events 11/2/20

Announcements: Affinity/Alliance Group Meetings Wed 11/4


Activity: Pandemic Greetings!

First check out some of these ways to greet friends (from Exploratorium). Then, what unique, welcoming and safe new ways of saying hello can your group think of?


November is Native American Heritage Month!

Native American Heritage Month has evolved from its beginnings as a week-long celebration in 1986. Every President since 1995 has issued annual proclamations designating the month of November as the time to celebrate the culture, accomplishments, and contributions of people who were the first inhabitants of the United States.

  • NativeKnowledge360 – National Museum of the American Indian

  • Americans – exhibit from The National Museum of the American Indian –Native imagery is everywhere in the United States – students can click and explore

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