REMOTE LEARNING EDITION: Morning Meeting Share Ideas (3/31/20) Current Events Connections Prompt ideas for Morning Meeting: Students can pre-think of [...]
Weekly News Quiz for Students: Coronavirus, Afghanistan, New York State Ban Statistics in School Week (Census 2020) “This weeklong series of fun classroom [...]
Student share activity: Pass a soft ball, plush toy, beanbag, etc. Pick a song (something students would be familiar with) and play it as they pass it [...]
The theme for 2020 is “Valiant Women of the Vote.” Honor the women who fought to win the right to vote and for those who still fight to win the right for [...]
Video: Fight Germs; Wash Your Hands the Correct Way (Center for Disease Control) 3:00 min Video: Get the Facts on Coronavirus; Explained (CBC News): 5.09 min