Director’s Blog, November 2009 – Hard Hats!

Director Phil Kassen and Lower School Students tour 42 Charlton Street
Director Phil Kassen and Lower School Students tour 42 Charlton Street

I have spent a fair amount of time over the past few days sharing the new construction our Charlton Street campus with a variety of members of the LREI community. As you have heard, over the summer we completely renovated the high school’s lobby and one of our science labs, as well as beginning work on the creation of new and renovated spaces in the adjacent townhouse.  These spaces include generous basement rooms excavated from what was the townhouse’s rear yard in addition to a restored parlor, circa 1840, that will house our College Guidance Office.   It is exciting to watch the construction crews at work and to imagine what this new space will add to the high school program once completed and occupied.

I visited the construction site today with a group of four and five year olds, decked out in shiny LREI hard hats.  They asked many thoughtful questions as we watched the sparks fly from where a new stairway was being welded and while looking at the new elevator being assembled out of a room full of parts.  It was exciting to hear these young students make curricular connections, noticing that the steel beams holding up the back of the townhouse were similar to the long blocks they use in their classroom constructions, for example.  It was fascinating to stand there having this basic discussion of engineering, knowing that just on the other side of the wall between the old and new spaces was a class of high school students studying topics in mathematics, the knowledge of which makes possible the type of construction their younger schoolmates were watching.

As I walked back to the Sixth Avenue building with these young learners I imagined them entering high school nine years from now.  It was not hard to do.  These students are learning to work together, to plan, to investigate and to integrate what they learn in school into their daily lives.  We saw today how talented they are.  They talked as a class about how they would travel to the construction site, about what they might see there, about who they would meet and how to operate appropriately during their visit.  Their high school colleagues were involved in a similar exercise in their calculus class, thirty feet away.   They were working together to hone problem-solving skills and subject area knowledge in order to better understand the world around them.

I look forward to watching our youngest students grow into their high school selves in ever improving facilities.  More importantly, I look forward to watching them develop into ever more able learners and citizens.


P.S.  I will be taking many other students on tours, including increasing numbers of high school students.  If you are a parent who drops off on Sixth Avenue, keep an eye out.  If you see me in the lobby sporting my red hard hat, it means that I am on my way to lead another tour.  Grab a hat and come along!


  • Friday, November 13 – Family/Student/Advisor conferences. This is an opportunity for you to discuss you child’s progress and set goals for the rest of the year.   There are no scheduled classes on conference day, and students are expected to attend some or all of their conference.   Your child’s advisor will be contacting you to set up an appointment.
  • Friday, November 13  & Saturday, November 14 –  High School Play in the PAC.THE SPIRIT OF THE RIDGE is a story about the timelessness and necessity of friendship and peace, and the importance of connecting to the past.  Themes and topics covered in the play include school bullying, inner-strength, loyalty, compassion, celebrating differences, and learning about Native cultures and traditions.  Details: Friday, November 13th at 7pm, Saturday, November 14th at 2pm and 7pm, Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street.  Tickets on sale next week in both the 6th Ave and Charlton Street locations!  For more information contact Meghan Farley Astrachan at 212-477-5316 x399.
  • Monday, November 16 – Ruth returns from maternity leave!
  • Wednesday, November 18 – HS Parent Reps Meeting @ 8 am.
  • Wednesday, November 25 – School closes at noon for Thanksgiving vacation.
  • Friday, December 4 – Review day (all classes meet)
  • Monday, December 7 – Reading day (No regular classes, thought there will be schedule review sessions and faculty office hours.  Schedule varies by grade; more details to follow)
  • Tuesday, December 8-Thursday, December 10 – Trimester 1 Exams/Projects/Presentations (detailed schedule coming soon)
  • Friday, December 11 – Community Service Day (no classes) – Students are encouraged to partner with a city service organization on this day.  Any questions, please inquire at your family conference.
  • Monday, December 14 – Trimester 2 begins.
  • Tuesday, December 15 – Winter Concert @ 6:30 pm.
  • Friday, December 18 – School closes at 12:00 pm for Winter Break.


    • Six-Word Memoirs at NY Public Library on November 10. Free, live event at the New York Public Library — all high school students are invited to participate. For more information, click here.
    • KARAMU TEE SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST — LREI’s parent Multicultural Committee, sponsor of Karamu!, invites all HS students to submit a tee shirt design for this year’s Karamu! celebration. A winning design will be produced and sold at the event on January 22nd.  Designs should be submitted as vector files using Adobe Illustrator, maximum 4 colors. Tee shirt background will be black, and designs should be lower school friendly!  Deadline for submissions is November 13. For more information, contact Multicultural Committee co-chair Juliet Burrows at
    • CLOTHING DRIVEThe Red is Green committee is sponsoring a week long clothing drive to celebrate America Recycles Day.  Beginning next Monday, November 9, through Friday, November 13, drop off your unwanted (but clean) clothing, curtains, linens, towels, shoes, hats, handbags and belts.  They will be recycled or reused in places like Eastern Europe and South America.  Look for drop-off boxes in the 6th Ave. lobby and the high school lobby.  For more information, click here for our flyer, or go to

    Educating Boys, Forging Relationships

    Today I attended a New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) conference on “Educating Boys” held at the Allen Stevenson School.  This fascinating program focused on research about how boys learn and provided suggestions and how to “improve the educational journey for boys.”  Keynote speaker Peg Tyre presented powerful quantitative data about discrepancies between boys’ and girls’ achievement, especially in the areas of reading and writing, and the multiple factors that cause this gap.  The second speaker, Dr. Richard Hawley, outlined the results of his qualitative research study entitled Teaching Boys: A Global Study of Effective Practice, specifically highlighting best practices” that allowed boys to be both engaged and successful in school.  The highlight of the day for me was a workshop led by our own High School English teacher Celine Kagan.  Celine shared curriculum and student work from her 11th and 12th grade English elective, “Oh Boy: Exploring Masculinity in American Culture,” showing how LREI students learn to question, analyze, and even reject culturally accepted notions of masculinity as seen in literature, film, and other media.

    One theme that permeated through these three speakers’ remarks was the importance of forming safe and caring relationships with adults and peers – both male and female – as a way to develop a positive self image and increase academic engagement.  This theme of relationships was echoed during tonight’s well attended Middle and High School Admissions Open House.  After the curriculum fair portion of the evening, there was a question and answer portion moderated by Assistant Principal Micah Dov Gottlieb.  The five students on the panel represented a wide range of interests and talents, yet they all agreed that what makes LREI special is the closeness of the student community and the accessibility and support of the faculty.    According to one 9th grader, at larger schools you feel like “no one even knows your name,” while at LREI students care about each other deeply and value each other’s individuality.  Said one senior, “From the moment I visited [LREI] I could tell that students were very close to their teachers.  The faculty here want students to do well – they’re on your side and they motivate you to succeed.”  I am certain that the prospective students and their families left the Open House with an appreciation what a special place this is.

    The next High School Open House is Tuesday, November 3.

    All the best, Julia

    Read on to learn about exciting recent and upcoming events at the high school:

    • Seniors make short film for Health Care Reform: Students in Vinay’s 12th grade Media Arts class recently submitted a short film to the Health Reform Video Challenge.  You can see the film by clicking this link:  Health Care Reform Short. Click here to read more about the contest.
    • 9th graders engage in Community Service: On Wednesday, October 28 the entire 9th grade went out into the neighborhood on a service learning trip led by Nick O’Han, 9th grade advisor, school historian, urban studies teacher, and leader of the Community Service Roundtable.  Students visited the Bowery Mission and the Educational Alliance before returning to school to discuss their experience and reflect on the importancce of service, both personally and collectively.  Despite the very rainy weather, this first service activity was fun and inspiring for all.
    • High School Play Opens in Two Weeks: The Spirit of the Ridge is inspired by the lives and legends of the Lenni Lenape, the indigenous Native Americans who lived here in NYC and the surrounding Mid-Atlantic States for thousands and thousands of years.  Set inside a pre-contact Lenape wigwam, THE SPIRIT OF THE RIDGE is a story about the timelessness and necessity of friendship and peace, and the importance of connecting to the past.  Themes and topics covered in the play include school bullying, inner-strength, loyalty, compassion, celebrating differences, and learning about Native cultures and traditions.  Details: Friday, November 13th at 7pm, Saturday, November 14th at 2pm and 7pm, Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street.  Tickets on sale next week in both the 6th Ave and Charlton Street locations!  For more information contact Meghan Farley Astrachan at 212-477-5316 x399.
    • Family/Student/Advisor conferences take place on Friday, November 13.  This is an opportunity for you to discuss you child’s progress and set goals for the rest of the year.   There are no scheduled classes on conference day, and students are expected to attend some or all of their conference.   Your child’s advisor will be contacting you to set up an appointment.
    • Class photos are now available online. If you would like to view or purchase class photos, go to the following link: 2009 Class photos. You will be asked to login – if you do not have an account with Kodak Gallery , you will need to create a login and password.  Once you have entered the site, you will see all the photos and can order prints in various sizes.  Thanks to High School Photography teacher Susan Now for taking these wonderful photos of all four grades.  Beautiful work, Susan!

    All School Announcements

    From the Red is Green Committee

    • Monthly Recycling Drive: Just a few more days to get your plastic bags into LREI for recycling. Where do you take them after this Friday? You can bring them to any chain store with more than 5 locations in the city or any retail store over 5,000 sq feet that provides plastic carryout bags (Whole Foods, Duane Reade, CVS etc.).  Starting Monday November 2nd bring in your empty ink cartridges to be recycled at LREI. Every year in the US we throw over 375 million ink cartridges away in the trash. Empty ink cartridges will be accepted at both the high school and at 6th Ave locations. Bins are located by the reception desk.
    • Wednesday November 4th is our 2nd Go Green to School Day. There are lots of green ways to get to school: bicycle, rollerblade, scooter, walk, public transport, carpool so Go Green to LREI and help take care of the environment.

    From the PA Halloween Fair Committee – please see the attached message.

    Letterman Jacket
    Letterman Jacket

    LETTERMAN JACKETS ON SALE NOW! If you are interested in purchasing an LREI letterman jacket for your child, please contact Kasey Picayo at:  They are warm wool jackets.  The cost is approximately $225 per jacket depending on size of order.

    Please visit the all school calendar at

    For information about LREI athletic teams, practices, and games, please visit the Athletics webpage at or call the Sports Hotline at (212) 477-5316 x 494.


    Art history at the Met
    Art history at the Met

    Minimester is here!  For three days in October, the high school takes a break from our regularly scheduled classes to engage in interdisciplinary, experimental workshops led by faculty and select seniors.  The offerings this year are incredibly diverse, encompassing science, history, sociology and political science, visual and performing arts.  8th grade students from the Middle School are our special guests during the program, giving them an opportunity to meet high school teachers and

    Rube Goldberg
    Rube Goldberg

    students and get a sneak-peak into life on Charlton Street. 

    Here are just a few of the highlights from the past two days: artists sketching at the Met, a visit to the Jamaican consulate, songwriters composing the next Billboard top hit, yogis stretching their bodies and minds, study at the Action Center for World Hunger, and world-renowned musicians and filmmakers sharing the secrets of their craft.  For a full list of Minimester offerings, click here: Minimester 2009

    In other news, Interim grades and comments are now available online via Backpack. For complete instructions on how to use Backpack, please read this post on the LREI Tech Blog.  If you need any assistance accessing Backpack, please contact Adria Maynor, Administrative Assistant to the High School Principal by calling (212) 477-5316, ext. 323 or by email at

    Family/Student/Advisor conferences will take place on Friday, November 13.  This is an opportunity for you to discuss you child’s progress and set goals for the rest of the year.   There are no scheduled classes on conference day, and students are expected to attend some or all of their conference.   Your child’s advisor will be contacting you to set up an appointment.


    • From the LREI Parent Handbook regarding Vacations: We remind families to only take vacations during LREI breaks and that your child’s time away from school does not begin before the school break does or end afterwards. Teachers use each scheduled day to support their classroom program goals and the School’s mission. Students who miss days adjacent to breaks, or who take vacations outside of our break times, miss work and can disrupt planned activities. This effects the learning of the absent students and her/his classmates. In addition, divisional or all-school assemblies often precede our longer vacations. These gatherings are essential for creating the sort of community that drew you to LREI. Students sing, listen to speakers, applaud their schoolmates, meet students in other divisions and generally strengthen community ties.  We will not honor families’ requests to receive work their children will miss due to family vacation plans. Families that are presented with once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to make an extended visit to another city, country, etc. should speak to their child’s principal.  In general, we are focused on making sure that we are using each moment of each school day as effectively as possible. Part of being able to do this is to have each student in school each of these days. Thank you for your support of these efforts.  The Family Handbook is available on the school website.
    • This is Ally Week! To learn more about this important event, read the attached letter from Sandra “Chap” Chapman, Director of Diversity and Community.  Ally Week_10-22-09.pdf
    • LETTERMAN JACKETS ON SALE NOW! If you are interested in purchasing an LREI letterman jacket for your child, please contact Kasey Picayo at:  They are warm wool jackets.  The cost is approximately $225 per jacket depending on size of order.
    • From the Red Is Green Committee: We are still accepting plastic bags for our monthly recycling drive through Friday October 30th. Starting Monday November 2nd we will be collecting ink cartridges. Our next meeting is Monday October 26h at 8:45am in the 6th Ave cafeteria.
    • KARAMU TEE SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST — LREI’s parent Multicultural Committee, sponsor of Karamu!, invites all HS students to submit a tee shirt design for this year’s Karamu! celebration. A winning design will be produced and sold at the event on January 22nd.  Designs should be submitted as vector files using Adobe Illustrator, maximum 4 colors. Tee shirt background will be black, and designs should be lower school friendly! For more information, contact Multicultural Committee co-chair Juliet Burrows at


    Saturday,  October 24 – “It’s Your Park Day” in Little Red Square – Come plant bulbs under trees and help to “beautify” our school neighborhood.  This is a great community service opportunity! Click here to view the poster.

    Sunday, October 25 –  LREI Halloween Fair, 1 – 4 p.m. at the Thompson Street Athletic Center. Click here to see the scary poster!

    Tuesday, October 27 – Tenth Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM in the Cafeteria

    Thursday, October 29 – Middle and High School Admissions Open House, 6:00 pm

    Friday, October 30 – Learn your Library, 8:30 am @ 6th Avenue Library. Get to know our talented team of librarians and hear about the resources they provide to students of all ages. All parents are invited.

    Tuesday, November 3 – High School Admissions Open House, 6:30 pm

    Friday, November 13 – Family-Student-Advisor Conferences (no scheduled classes)

    Friday, November 13 & Saturday, November 14 – High School Play: “The Spirit of the Ridge”

    Gracias Virgilio!

    Today the high school celebrated Virgilio Romero, a dearly beloved member of our community who is retiring after 30 years as LREI’s Superintendent of Buildings.  Earlier this week, members of Student Government polled the student body for adjectives to describe Virgilio, then wrote these words on index cards.  This afternoon, at the start of our weekly Clubs/Activities period, we gathered in the PAC and listened as students read the words from the index cards one by one. “Helpful,” “kind,” “funny,” “joyful,” “smart,” and “applause-worthy” were just a few of the lines in this celebratory poem of sorts.  A few students shared memories of Virgilio guiding them through the hallways of the Lower and Middle schools, and one student delivered a moving congratulations in Spanish.  In addition to flowers and a card, Virgilio received a standing ovation as he left the room.  What a great tribute!

    Tonight, we continue to celebrate Virgilio from 6:00PM-7:30 PM in the Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street (please click here for a flyer with details).

    As we near the mid-point of Trimester 1, the high school classrooms are alive with fascinating discussions, projects, and debates.  Be sure to ask your children about their recent field trips, readings and assignments, or check the faculty blogs for more details.  For a full list of faculty blog addresses, click here.HS Faculty Blogs

    Next week, tune in for news and photos from Minimester 2009!

    All best,



    Saturday, October 17 – Coffee House, 7:00-9:00PM, PAC, 40 Charlton Street The first coffeehouse of the year will feature performances by students, faculty and alumni.  All students are encouraged to attend!

    Wednesday-Friday, October 21-23 – High School Minimester: Minimester is our annual three-day immersion program, during which faculty and a few seniors offer workshops on a wide range of topics outside of the regular curriculum.  It is  a wonderful break from the every day, and a unique community event.   To read the full list of offerings, click the following link.Minimester 2009

    Thursday, October 22, 6:30 pm – HS Parents of Student Receiving Academic Support Meeting, featuring guest speaker, Colleen Berge

    Please join us for a special talk for parents entitled, “The Five Best Ways to Help Your Child in School: Your Children Gain Independence and You Regain Your Life”.  Guest speaker Colleen Berge, MA is a learning specialist and educational consultant.   Open to all middle and high school parents.  Please click here for more information.Berge Talk

    Saturday,  October 24th – “It’s Your Park Day” in Little Red Square – Come plant bulbs under trees and help to “beautify” our school neighborhood.  This is a great community service opportunity!

    Tuesday, October 27 – Tenth Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM in the PAC

    Thursday, October 29 – High School Admissions Open House, 6:30 pm

    Tuesday, November 3 – High School Admissions Open House, 6:30 pm

    Friday, November 13 – Family-Advisor Conferences (Note: While there are no scheduled classes on this day, students are expected to attend at least part of the conference.  Advisors will be in touch in the next few weeks to schedule a conference time).

    January 12, 2010 – Eleventh Grade Potluck & College Night, 6:00 PM in the PAC


    * KARAMU TEE SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST — LREI’s parent Multicultural Committee, sponsor of Karamu!, invites all HS students to submit a tee shirt design for this year’s Karamu! celebration. A winning design will be produced and sold at the event on January 22nd.  Designs should be submitted as vector files using Adobe Illustrator, maximum 4 colors. Tee shirt background will be black, and designs should be lower school friendly! For more information, contact Multicultural Committee co-chair Juliet Burrows at

    * Learn your Library – October 30th at 8:30 in the 6th Avenue Library. Get to know our talented team of librarians and hear about the resources they provide to students of all ages. All parents are invited.  Click here for more details. LearnYourLibrary.pdf

    * The LREI Halloween Fair – Sunday, October 25, 2009 from 1 – 4 p.m. at the Thompson Street Athletic Center. Click here to see the scary poster!
    LREI Community Cookbook.  The cookbook will be a snapshot of the culinary life of the LREI community, combining our homemade tried-and-trues with neighborhood restaurant favorites.  Space restrictions and chapter structure mean that not every recipe can be included, so careful editing is a must to produce a professional-level cookbook. We plan to call for recipes from parents, faculty and staff later this fall. All proceeds from sales of Potluck! will go to the LREI Annual Fund.  Click on this link for details.  LREI Cookbook

    Preparing for high school…and beyond

    Dear families,

    This past Tuesday night, 9th grade students and families gathered together for the annual 9th grade Potluck, hosted by the Parent Reps.  After enjoying the delicious food and lively conversation, parents engaged in a discussion about the transition to high school, led by Joanne Gouge, High School Nurse and Peer Leader Coordinator, and Andrew Weiss, Middle and High School Psychologist.  Meanwhile, 9th grade students were in another room discussing the same topic with their 12th grade Peer Leaders.  When asked to share their concerns about entering high school, both groups generated a similar list of topics, including: forming new friendships, parties and peer pressure, dating and sexuality, and managing the workload.  One common question was, “Will LREI prepare students for college and beyond?”  We have only to look at our oldest students to know that the answer is a resounding YES!  In our upper level courses, we see the truly amazing intellectual capabilities of our students — they are inquisitive, academically motivated, articulate, and active participants in every classroom.  But don’t just take my word for it.  This week, NYU Professor Niobe Way was a guest in Celine’s 11th/12th grade English elective entitled “Oh Boy: Exploring Masculinity in Contemporary American Culture”.  Niobe said that the students’ comments and observations were more insightful than those of her graduate students!

    The other recurring theme of Tuesday’s discussion was the importance of communication.  There is no better tool for ensuring students’ success in high school and beyond than open communication, both at home and at school.  Ask your children to tell you about their classes and recent field trips, and also encourage them to get to know their advisors, meet with their teachers after class, and ask for help when they need it.  For you, the parents, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s advisor or grade dean, whether to ask for a quick update or share some pertinent new information from home.  We welcome this type of frequent communication with our families.

    Enjoy the long weekend everyone,



    Wednesday, October 14 – PSAT testing for 10th/11th grades: Testing begins right after homeroom please be on time.  Please remember to bring a calculator and a few #2 pencils.  Test begins right after homeroom so please be on time! If you have not yet paid for the test, please bring in $13 cash or check made payable to LREI as soon as possible.

    Saturday, October 17 – First Coffee House, 7:00-9:00PM. The Coffee House takes place in the High School’s Performing Arts Center at 40 Charlton Street and will feature performances by students, faculty and alumni.  All students are encouraged to attend!

    Wednesday-Friday, October 21-23 – High School Minimester: What do spies, swine flu, and songwriting have in common?  They are all topics of this year’s minimester workshops.  Minimester is our annual three-day immersion program, during which faculty and a few seniors offer workshops on a wide range of topics outside of the regular curriculum.  It is  a wonderful break from the every day, and a unique community event.  Students will select their choices early next week.  To read the full list of offerings, click the following link.Minimester 2009

    Tuesday, October 27 – Tenth Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM in the PAC

    Friday, November 13 – Family Conferences (no scheduled classes)

    January 12, 2010 – Eleventh Grade Potluck & College Night, 6:00 PM in the PAC

    For more calendar items, please visit the all school calendar


    *High School Parent Reps Meeting – Tuesday, October 13 at 6:30 pm at 40 Charlton Street. Peter Fisher, Athletics Director, will join us at the start of the meeting for introductions and questions about LREI Athletics. All are welcome!

    *Important Message from Patricia Carter and Jerry Cascio, High School Learning Specialists: If your child is eligible to receive specific accommodations in testing or in the classroom, please submit a copy of this documentation to the Academic Support Center at LREI if you have not already done so.  Click here to download a copy of the Documentation Request.

    *Changing Families, Changing Classrooms: Come hear a leading expert on adoption and family issues, Adam Pertman, author of Adoption Nation, talk about adoption, the school community, and how to enrich the school experience for every child, on Wednesday, October 14, in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria. ALL PARENTS WELCOME! Please click here for a flyer with details. For a copy of the report Adoption in the Schools: A Lot to Learn, click here.

    * All LREI community members are invited to join our Thank You Party for Virgilio on Thursday, October 15th from 6:00PM-7:30PM in the Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street (please click here for a flyer with details).

    • For more information about upcoming all school events go to: LREI On-line Calendar
    • Click here to see the 2009-2010 calendar.
    • LREI Athletics. For general LREI Athletics news go to this link . This page will provide general announcements, game summaries, league standings and season recaps.

    Banned Books Week

    From guest blogger Phil Kassen,

    Dear LREI Families,

    I write this on what the Kindergartners tell me is the 15th day of school.  Fall is solidly upon us as evidenced by a drop in temperature, changing leaf colors and another annual autumnal event—Curriculum Night.  While I spend every day surrounded by our curriculum, it has been a pleasure to attend these evenings and to hear the teachers speak about the progressive program in which your children participate each day in all three divisions. For those who are interested in what is happening in the classrooms of another grade or another division, I invite you to read the divisional blogs and the curriculum guides (on the web site, by division.)

    I want to point you to one particular section of the high school curriculum guide.  I was really quite impressed by the presentation made by the high school English and history teachers about our 11th and 12th grade electives. Clicking here will take you to the high school guide.  (Pages 14-17 and 21-22 describe the English and History electives.)  The opportunities offered to the students in these classes are akin to the experience of being in a college seminar.  After their presentations the teachers and I spoke of the tight focus of their courses as a lens through which to view the wider world of literature. History teachers spoke of their students’ interests and how this engagement creates an openness and readiness to explore other areas of history.  Take a look; I think you will be impressed.

    This week, September 26th – October 3rd, is Banned Books Week. Sponsored by the American Library Association, “Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment.  Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States.”  Banned Books Week encourages all of us to consider what it means that the response by some to books that offer differing points of view or that challenge one’s strongly held beliefs is anger and avoidance rather than respectful engagement. In contrast to the English teachers noted above, those who seek to ban books offer blinders, not lenses.  Fine not to read a book that one finds objectionable, but to work to make these thoughts and opportunities unavailable to all?

    I noticed with some pride that many of the books we read throughout the school have been banned or challenged at some point.  Pride not in the fact that we are reading books that are edgy or from a specific political point of view, but pride in the fact that we are offering your children the chance to be challenged by the books they read or have read to them, to see the world through the lives of others, to articulate their points of view and to become active participants in civil conversations.  As I discussed this with one of our librarians, she commented that I should not be surprised that so many of the books we read at LREI are part of this club as the list of challenged and banned books is incredibly long and grows every day.  A sad fact.

    One other thought about Banned Books Week.  The people who challenge books seem to be organized and are able to effectively get their message out.  I encourage you to find time next week to visit a library (our Sixth Avenue library has a terrific bulleting board display of banned books), to read a book that has been banned or challenged and to speak with your children about the power of books and freedom speech.  For more information on Banned Books Week, visit the American Library Association’s web site.



    1) Open to all in the LREI community! Please join members of the Multicultural Committee on their first “field trip” of the year next Saturday, Oct 3rd to the Brooklyn Museum for the October “Target First Saturday”, a free afternoon-evening of programming featuring the art and culture of Hungary. Please contact Juliet Burrows ( or Holly Glass ( for details and follow this link for more info on the event:

    2) Red is Green Committee: October kicks of our monthly recycling drives. Starting today, October 1st and continuing through the end of the month, you can bring in your plastic bags to be recycled at LREI. Please look for the box at the reception desk at 6th Ave. Next Wednesday October 7th is our first Go Green To School Day click here for an informational flyer. It is also International Walk to School Day. So come to school by carpooling, public transportation, scootering, bicycling, and walking! We will continue to Go Green to School on the first Wednesday of every month. For more details about our monthly recycling drives and Go Green to School dates, please click Red is Green PA Page.

    3) Ann Schaumburger, Lower School Art Teacher, invites you to the opening of her latest show.  The show will run from October 7th – November 1st.  The opening reception is on Thursday, October 8th, from 6:00-8:00PM at the AIR Gallery, 111 Front Street, #228, Brooklyn.  ( Congratulations, Ann!

    4) Changing Families, Changing Classrooms: Come hear a leading expert on adoption and family issues, Adam Pertman, author of Adoption Nation, talk about adoption, the school community, and how to enrich the school experience for every child, on Wednesday morning, October 14, in the Sixth Avenue Cafeteria. ALL PARENTS WELCOME! Please click here for a flyer with details. For a copy of the report Adoption in the Schools: A Lot to Learn, click here.

    5) Virgilio Romero, our Superintendent of Buildings, will be retiring at the end of the month. Virgilio has kept LREI functioning for 30 years. While Virgilio is looking forward to the next stage in his life, we asked him to stay on through the summer for two reasons. The first was that we could not imagine accomplishing all that we needed to accomplish this summer without Virgilio leading the way. The second is that we wanted to be able to plan a terrific party. The students will be saying goodbye and thank you by division and all LREI community members are invited to join our thank you party for Virgilio on Thursday, October 15th from 6:00PM-7:30PM in the Performing Arts Center, 40 Charlton Street (please click here for a flyer with details).

    **Important Message from Patricia Carter and Jerry Cascio, High School Learning Specialists:

    If your child is eligible to receive specific accommodations in testing or in the classroom, please submit a copy of this documentation to the Academic Support Center at LREI if you have not already done so.  Click here to download a copy of the Documentation Request.


    Friday October 2 – CLASS PICTURE DAY – Note, these are group pictures and will be available for purchase through a password protected online service.  If you are interested in individual pictures, we can coordinate with the photographers who come to the lower school and middle school to take your child’s individual photo.

    Tuesday, October 6 – Ninth Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM, 40 Charlton Street, PAC. All students and families please attend! This potluck will also include discussion on the topics of student wellness and responsibility.  See the attached letter from 9th grade Parent Reps for more details.9th Grade Potluck 2009

    Wednesday, October 14 – PSAT testing for 10th/11th grades

    Wednesday-Friday, October 21-23 – High School Minimester (more details to follow in next week’s blog!)

    Tuesday, October 27 – Tenth Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM in the PAC

    Friday, November 13 – Family Conferences (no scheduled classes)

    January 12, 2010 – Eleventh Grade Potluck & College Night, 6:00 PM in the PAC

    For more calendar items, please visit the all school calendar

    Curriculum Night

    Dear Families,

    Thank you for joining us on Curriculum Night this Tuesday.  The faculty love having the opportunity to talk about their courses and share their knowledge.  In case you were unable to attend, here are a few of the highlights:

    • The high school curriculum at LREI is challenging, dynamic, relevant, and always progressive.  Teachers tailor the content to the diverse interests and strengths of our students and strive to find connections between the curriculum and our communities, local and global.  Students receive the serious academic preparation they need to thrive in the world beyond high school, coupled with the freedom to pursue their own passions.   We support our students in trying new things, seeking out new challenges, and grappling with hard questions.
    • New courses are being offered in many departments. In the arts, we have new Dance courses and the return of our popular Graphic Design courses.  In English, there are three new electives: “I’ve Got Something to (Es)Say: Writing the Non-Academic Essay,” “Global City: Literature of Diversity,” and “You Animal: Perspectives on Humans and Other Animals.”  The history department is also offering a new elective called “Isms and Social Movements.”  New 12th grade science electives include Anatomy and Physiology, Environmental Science, Forensics, and Science and Society.
    • Our redesigned schedule allows for several non-departmental classes that meet once a week.   These courses vary by grade: Community Service (9th),  Ethics & Citizenship (10th), Technology (9th and 10th), Life Skills (9th and 10th), Research (9th, 10th, 11th), College Seminar (11th and 12th), Public Speaking (11th), and Senior Project (12th).
    • Parents met briefly with Grade Deans and advisors at the start of the evening.  Parent/advisor conferences will take place on Friday, November 13, 2009.
    • Phil Kassen, Director, greeted parents and spoke about the renovation and expansion of the Charlton Street campus.  New classrooms and offices in the Townhouse will be opening later this fall.
    • Sandra “Chap” Chapman, Director of Diversity and Community, spoke about this year’s series of parent diversity discussions entitled How to Raise an Ally: Social Justice at LREI.  More details at
    • Peter Fisher, Director of Athletics, spoke about our fall sports teams.  Practice and games schedules are available on the school’s website or by calling the LREI Sports Hotline at (212) 477-5316 x 494.
    • This year, all homework assignments will be posted online via individual teacher blogs.  Students are already using this resource in their classes.  Here is a list of the High School faculty and blog addresses.High School Faculty Blogs

    In other news, P.E. classes started this week.  All students are required to take P.E. twice a week, unless they are competing on an LREI athletic team.  The PE classes and times are listed below:

    Monday 3:05-3:55
    Cardio Strength Training with Art at the Carmine Street Gym,
    Classic PE Games with Vejan in the High School Gym

    Tuesday 3:05-3:55
    Cardio Strength Training 2 with Art at the Carmine Street Gym
    Fitness with Vejan in the High School Gym

    Wednesday 3:05-3:55
    Cardio Strength Training with Art at the Carmine Street Gym
    Classic PE Games with Vejan in the High School Gym
    Karate with Vinny at Thompson Street

    Thursday 3:05-3:55
    Cardio Strength Training 2 with Art at the Carmine Street Gym
    Fitness with Vejan in the High School Gym
    Advanced Karate with Vinny at Thompson Street (3:05-4:45)

    3:05-3:55 Karate with Vinny in the HS Gym
    3:30-5:30 Judo with Larry at Thompson Street


    School is closed on Monday, September 28 for Yom Kippur.

    POTLUCKS: Each year, there are grade-level evenings and potluck dinners organized by parents and hosted by Deans and advisors. They are informative and provide families with the opportunity for fellowship. All potlucks are held in the PAC.

    • Twelfth Grade College Night: September 30, 2009, 6:30 PM, PAC
    • Ninth Grade Potluck: October 6, 2009, 6:00 PM, PAC. This potluck will also include discussion on the topics of student wellness and responsibility.  See the attached letter from 9th grade Parent Reps for more details.9th Grade Potluck 2009
    • Tenth Grade Potluck: October 27, 2009, 6:30 PM, PAC
    • Eleventh Grade Potluck & College Night: January 12, 2010, 6:00 PM, PAC
    • Twelfth Grade Potluck: Date and time TBD

    HS Class Picture Day: Friday, October 2 — Note, these are group pictures and will be available for purchase through a password protected online service.  If you are interested in individual pictures, we can coordinate with the photographers who come to the lower school and middle school to take your child’s individual photo.

    PSAT testing for 10th/11th grades: Wednesday, October 14, all day

    Family Conferences: Friday, November 13, all day

    For more calendar items, please visit the all school calendar

    Finally -we had such a great trip to Ramapo! There was bonding, team building, high ropes challenges, campfires, a talent show, games, and fun!

    The 9th and 10th graders did a fantastic job and the Peer Leaders were outstanding! Below are links to two photo collages, with more pictures to come!

    Ramapo Collage 1

    Ramapo Collage 2

    High School Special Programs

    Dear families,

    In contrast to my blog from last week, today the high school was strangely quiet.  The 9th and 10th graders are away at the Ramapo Outdoor Education Center in Rhinebeck, New York.  The primary goals for this trip are to help Ninth Graders prepare for the high school journey and begin to form a coherent class identity, while also forming friendships between the grades.  Activities at Ramamo include hiking, boating, orienteering, low and high ropes courses, and bonding exercises led by the 12th grade Peer Leaders and Ramapo staff.  My sources tell me that everyone is having a great time, the weather is being cooperative, and the group is fantastic.  This is the first year that every single 9th grader went up the high ropes, a testament to the supportive spirit of this new class and their Peer Leaders.  Students and faculty return to school on Friday, September 18 by 3:00 pm.

    The 11th grade was also out of the building today, exploring the Lower East Side on a walking tour led by high school teacher and LREI school historian, Nick O’Han.  The juniors and their advisors visited a wide range of cultural and historical sites including the Old Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Bowery Mission, African Burial Ground, and the Tenement Museum.  This field trip is directly tied to the Gotham history course, a requirement for all 11th graders, and to the assigned summer reading text entitled Dreamland.  Tomorrow, students will continue their exploration of the Lower East Side while participating in a community service project, also organized by Nick.

    The 12th grade had Charlton Street all to themselves today.  They spent the day in the library working on college applications and meeting with Amy Shapiro, Director of College Guidance, and Carrie Korn, Assistant to the College Guidance Office.  They also had the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives from Evergreen College, Smith College, Tufts University,  and (yesterday) Boston College.  Please refer to the College Visit List to see the schedule of upcoming college rep visits.  This diversity of the schools on this list truly reflects the individuality and broad range of interests of our students.  Tomorrow, Twelfth Graders have the opportunity to visit colleges on their own.  We wish them all the best in the beginning of this exciting process!

    In other news, high school Spanish teacher Nick Sullivan is now the proud father of twins, Andrea and Olaya Sullivan Tejada.  All are happy, healthy and doing great.  Felicitaciones, Nick!

    All best, Julia


    HS Parent Rep Meeting [PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE]: Friday, September 18th at 8:30 a.m. at Charlton Street.

    Parents Association Welcome Fair: Tuesday, September 22, 5:30-6:00 pm at Charlton Street.  Click here for details :

    HS Curriculum Night: Tuesday, September 22 at 6:30 pm at Charlton Street.

    12th Grade College Night: Wednesday, September 30 at 6:00 pm.

    HS Class Picture Day: Friday, October 2 (times vary by grade)

    9th grade potluck: Tuesday, October 6 at 6:00 pm at Charlton Street

    PSAT testing for 10th/11th grades: Wednesday, October 14, all day

    10th grade potluck: Tuesday, October 27, 6:30 pm

    For more calendar items, please visit the all school calendar

    Click here for the 2009-10 school calendar.


    1. PE classes begin next week.  Students taking PE this trimester will sign-up for classes on Monday, September 21 at 3:00 pm.
    2. Monday, September 21 is the deadline to apply for a trimester 1 Honors project.  Students who are interested in doing an honors project should submit a typed proposal to Julia no later than 3:00 pm.  Please refer to the High School Student Handbook for details about honors project requirements and expectations.  You can  download a copy of the handbook by clicking here
    3. Updated student information and schedules are available on Backpack.  Backpack is also the place to access mid-trimester and end-of-trimester grades and comments.
    4. This year, all homework assignments will be posted online via individual teacher blogs.  Students are already using this resource in their classes.  Parents will receive more information about the blogs at Curriculum Night on September 22.

    Ramapo Packing List

    To 9th graders, 10th graders, and 12th grade Peer Leaders,

    Ramapo is this week!   Attached please find the Ramapo Packing List.  Be prepared for cool and possibly wet weather – pack layers!  And don’t forget to  pack a lunch for the first day of your trip (either Wednesday or Thursday).

    It will surely be a great trip for all!


    The Sounds of School

    Dear Families,

    It has been a busy first week at the high school!  On Tuesday, we welcomed 41 new students to our community at New Student Orientation.  On Wednesday, the entire faculty and student body gathered together in the PAC to celebrate the start of a new school year.  Today, classes began in earnest and at 3:00 the building was buzzing with activity.  While the newspaper staff edited their first issue, the newly formed High School Robotics Team had its first meeting.  The cross country team set out a cool autumn run as budding actors nervously awaited their chance to audition for the high school play.  The lobby was alive the rhythmic sounds of the Step Team practice and the dulcet voices of the EI chorus.  School is most certainly back in session, and it is music to my ears!

    In my Opening Day remarks, I spoke about President Obama’s Back-to-School speech and its relevance to our students.   Here is an excerpt from Obama’s speech and my comments:

    ‘But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world – and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities…Every single one of you has something you’re good at.  Every single one of you has something to offer.  And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is.  That’s the opportunity an education can provide….But the truth is, being successful is hard.  You won’t love every subject you study.  You won’t click with every teacher.  Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right this minute.  And you won’t necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try…. you can’t let your failures define you – you have to let them teach you.’

    Work hard –take responsibility – keep trying – learn from your mistakes… Great advice, right?  So why the controversy?  Why did some state officials and school leaders and teachers say they didn’t want their students to listen to Obama’s address yesterday?  Some felt that a presidential speech would be disruptive or intrusive to the already planned school day.  Others felt uncomfortable with the president using his position to “indoctrinate” children or promote his political agenda. Some of you may agree.  While I personally find Obama’s advice to be sensible, albeit familiar, I am actually more interested in the debate than the speech itself.

    Contrary to some of my counterparts at other institutions, I believe that school is the perfect place to contemplate the role of the president, the power of the spoken word, and the potential for those in power to misuse or abuse their position.  I feel privileged to work at a school where we are not bound by a single agenda or point of view, where we do not eschew controversy, where voices are not silenced.  At LREI, we pride ourselves on the diversity of our community and we strive to uphold the diversity of our opinions.  We feel free to disagree, with the knowledge that we will respect each other no matter what.  Thus there is no better place for students to try, and fail, and try again.

    For all of you, whether freshman or seniors, returning students or new, let this be a year of new risks, new challenges, and perhaps, even a few new failures.  We will be there to guide you along the way, brush you off when you fall, and keep you trying again until you succeed.”

    Here’s to a great year for all!  If I can do anything to assist you and your family this fall, please let me know.

    All best,
    Julia Heaton, Acting High School Principal


    LREI 101 for New Families:  On Monday, September 14th, from 8:45AM-10:15AM, Phil Kassen asks all new parents/guardians attend LREI 101, our orientation program for new families.   This gathering is an essential component of your entry into the LREI community.  We will meet in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria.

    New Family Reception: On Tuesday, September 15th, Michael Patrick, ’71, Chair of the LREI Board of Trustees and his wife, Carol Sedwick, invite new parents to a reception in their home at 6:00PM.  You should have received an official invitation to this gathering.  If you have not received that, please contact

    High School Special Programs, September 16-18, 2009

    • 9th and 10th Graders will go to Ramopo for their Orientation trip. 9th Graders and 12th grade Peer Leaders leave on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 8:15 AM.  The 10th Graders leave on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 8:15 AM.  All return Friday, Sept. 18 at 3:00 PM.
    • The 11th Grade will have Special Programs and no regular classes. On Thursday, Sept. 17th, all 11th Graders will go on a mandatory field trip for their “Gotham” (New York City history) course led by history teacher Nick O’Han.  On Friday, Sept. 18, 11th Graders will have an all-day community service outing, led by Nick, 11th grade Dean Ileana Jimenez and the 11th grade advisors.  Both days starts at 8:30 AM and end at 3:00 PM.
    • The 12th Grade will have two days devoted to the college applications process.  On Thursday, Sept. 17, there will be an all-day College Workshop with Amy Shapiro, Director of College Guidance, and Carrie Korn. The workshop runs from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM.  12th graders do not need to come to school on Friday, Sept. 18th but may use the day to schedule college visits and/or interviews.

    Parent Association Welcome Fair: Come learn about how to get involved with the Parent Association on September 16th or September 22nd.  Meet committee members and hear about opportunities and events.  Click here to download the invitation with more detailed information.

    HS Parent Rep Meeting [PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE]: Friday, September 18th at 8:30 a.m. at Charlton Street.

    HS Curriculum Night: Tuesday, September 22 at 6:30 pm at Charlton Street.

    12th Grade College Night: Wednesday, September 30 at 6:00 pm.

    For more calendar items, please visit the all school calendar

    Click here for the 2009-10 school calendar.


    1. Please don’t forget to sign your child’s Acceptable Use Policy! To have permission to use the school’s computers and network, all students must have a signed Acceptable Use Policy on file. If the form has been misplaced, please contact your child’s advisor.  You can download a copy of the form by clicking here
    2. Please take a moment to read the High School Student Handbook which contains information about the academic program, the daily schedule and trimester dates, rules and community norms, and a list of the high school faculty members.  You can  download a copy of the handbook by clicking here