Trimester I Exam Schedule

Dear Families,

After the Thanksgiving holiday, students will return on December 1 to their Trimester I Exam Week. Attached, please find the exam schedule. The exam schedule may undergo a change or two in the next day or so, likely from 11th and 12th grade electives deciding to cancel their time. The most current schedule will be posted at the high school. Below, please find what exam week will look like in case you have any questions, or need to make particular arrangements.

Monday, Dec. 1: Regular school day. Classes will review material or complete work. All students are expected.

Tuesday, Dec. 2: Reading Day.

  • School open regular hours. Ninth Graders are required to attend the first trimester reading day for a study day and help with preparing for the week with our Academic Support instructors, 9 AM-2:45 PM.
  • For all other grades, this is a day for students to prepare for exams, final papers and exhibitions. This is also an opportunity to catch up with outstanding work, work with groups for final presentations, use the Tech Center and printers around the school, etc. This is a quiet work day. Students may choose to work at school or at home. Students are not required to report to school, and it is not counted as an absence if they are not here. However, you may prefer your child to come to school for the full day to work. Please send him or her. School will be open. The Library will be open all day. All teachers will be at school regular school hours to provide the opportunity to meet with students.
  • No classes will meet so that all teachers are available. There will be review sessions held. If a student is in crisis, teachers may encourage that student to make a mandatory appointment. Further, teachers of two of the same section class may hold mandatory class meeting time during reading day.
  • So far, Jane Belton’s English 10 class will meet on Reading Day. Section 10B will meet with Jane from 9-10 AM, and Section 10C will meet with Jane from 10-11 AM. These classes, again, are mandatory for members of her class.

Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 3-5: Exams. Exam periods are 9 AM-11 AM and 1 PM-3 PM. Each day, students should come in plenty of time for their morning exam, and students may leave after their exams are complete. Again, the exam schedule is attached to this blog.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,


  • The school’s calendar can be accessed by clicking here.
  • Click here to view the 2008-2009 LREI Calendar.
  • For general LREI Athletics news go to this link . This page will provide general announcements, game summaries, league standings and game recaps.

Attached is the first LREI fall newsletter for the year. In our ongoing drive to be more sustainable we are distributing it exclusively by email. Phil welcomes your feedback as we move forward with this and other green initiatives. For additional news highlights, please visit

1. Dear Parents: Since the auction is two months earlier this year (on Thursday, March 5th), we need to get our donation forms in earlier. We would like to have as many of the forms in by Thanksgiving break as possible, which is just around the corner. The deadline for forms is Friday, December 12th.

Our goal this year is to have each parent donate/solicit one item, and we’re attaching a form here for your convenience. If you would like to run your ideas by someone, please contact one of us or Pippa Gerard at 212-477-5316 x236 or or Sandra Song at 212-477-5316 x275 or

Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!


Jennifer Esposito Mamie McIndoe
917-226-0800 917-597-5603

2. Community Service!

The LREI Community Service Committee is hosting it’s annual
Thanksgiving Art project at Hudson Guild this Sunday Nov. 23 , 11:00AM – 1:00 PM
At HG Elliot Center at 441 West 26th St. (Bet. 9th and 10th Aves.)
LREI children and parents will join seniors from the HG Community Center
to make centerpieces for their Thanksgiving Feast.
Hudson Guild is located in Chelsea and provides services and programs for young and old which help community members achieve stability and self-sufficiency.
For more information: [ ] Please RSVP to Denise Adler 917-455-8302.

$1.00 For Thanks – Nov. 24 – 26
$1.00 donation allows allows LREI to provide money to a local soup kitchen for turkeys
for their Thanksgiving Dinner.
Look for the collection jar in the Sixth Ave. and Charlton St. lobbies.
For more information Contact Tatjana Kalinin – 917-371-6591.

Nov. 26th – Ongoing
Kick off for St. John’s Can Drive in the Lower School will take place this year
at the Thanksgiving Assembly and will continue throughout the year on a class by class basis.
Talk to you teacher or parent rep to find out when your class is scheduled.
Middle Schoolers will be collecting and stocking the shelves at
the St. John’s Food Pantry throughout the year.
Please check all expiration dates on your donations!

Attention all knitters! This month’s Knitting for the Sanctuary Blanket Project
will take place this Friday, Nov 21st from noon to 3pm at The Point on Bedford Street.
No experience necessary!

3. A perfect gift!
Wool Letterman Jackets now available through
the LREI school store.
These beautiful warm, winter coats are now
available by special order only. The cost is
approximately $200 per coat. Each is personalized
with your name. Order by next Wednesday,
November 26th to receive by Holiday Break.  For orders:  Contact Kasey Picayo at  See attachment for photo.

4. A message from Phil Kassen, Director-While I am always happy to have people drop in to see me, I am not always in my office. I will be available for drop in conversations, in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria, from 8:45AM-9:30AM on November 21st, December 5th, December 12th and December 17th.

5. From the LREI Family Handbook
Vacations: We remind families to only take vacations during LREI breaks and that your
child’s time away from school does not begin before the school break does or end
afterwards. Teachers use each scheduled day to support their classroom program goals
and the School’s mission. Students who miss days adjacent to breaks, or who take
vacations outside of our break times, miss work and can disrupt planned activities. This
affects the learning of the absent students and her/his classmates. In addition, divisional
or all-school assemblies often precede our longer vacations. These gatherings are
essential for creating the sort of community that drew you to LREI. Students sing, listen
to speakers, applaud their schoolmates, meet students in other divisions and generally
strengthen community ties.

We will not honor families’ requests to receive work their children will miss due to family
vacation plans. Families that are presented with once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to make
an extended visit to another city, country, etc. should speak to their child’s principal.

In general, we are focused on making sure that we are using each moment of each
school day as effectively as possible. Part of being able to do this is to have each
student in school each of these days. Thank you for your support of these efforts.

6. Red is Green Committee:
This week The Red is Green Committee launched LREI’s monthly recycling drive. Each month you will have an opportunity to recycle items that are not easily recycled at home. November’s recycling drive is dedicated
to plastic bags, which currently cannot be recycled with regular plastics.You can find a box for collecting these bags by the reception desk at the Sixth Avenue campus as well as in the Charlton Street building. Our first day we collected over
150 bags! The monthly recycling drive is a fun and easy way for our kids to get involved in taking better care of our planet so please keep an eye out for the monthly drive in the lobby. Next month’s recycling drive will be
old sneakers!

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