Building for Action

picture-073.jpgDear LREI Families,

Thank you to those who were able to join us last Wednesday for our Building for Action event. It was wonderful to have so many of you there, along with alumni, past parents and staff, to share in the tremendous support for LREI that was in the room. For those of you who were not there, you might want to visit our web site, click on the Building for Action button to view much of the information we shared on the 24th. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can watch the Then and Now slide show that was a crowd favorite at the event. Or, just click here.

As you heard last week, or will see on the web site, we announced plans to renovate and green all of the classrooms in the Sixth Avenue buildings over the next few summers—we completed the majority of the middle school classes this summer—and to add a great deal of space to the Charlton Street campus, as well as to renovate current Charlton Street spaces. This work grows out of the strategic plan created by the Board of Trustees, and a large group of LREI community members, in 2000. In addition to creating improved spaces for our current student body in the lower, middle and high schools, this campaign will create a larger high school building to provide for the planned increase in the high school student body. A larger high school student body will be more attractive to many prospective families, will allow for an increasingly academic program and will support our tuition remission program for all three divisions and ongoing increases to faculty salaries and professional development funds.

In the weeks and months to come there will be many opportunities to learn more about Building for Action. There will also be opportunities for those who want to join the Building for Action team. There will be a drop-in information session on the morning of Wednesday, October 8th from 8:15-9:30, in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria. I will be available to discuss our goals and to answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to continuing the conversation.



Updates and Announcements:

  • The school’s calendar can be accessed by clicking here.
  • Click here to view the 2008-2009 LREI Calendar.
  • For general LREI Athletics news go to this link . This page will provide general announcements, game summaries, league standings and game recaps.

1. You are invited to join us to learn about the Annual Fund and the significant role it plays in the school’s operating budget. You can attend one of three sessions:

8:15AM, Friday October 3rd, Sixth Avenue cafeteria
8:45AM, Friday October 3rd, Sixth Avenue cafeteria
6:00PM, Tuesday October 14th, Charlton Street library

Annual Fund co-chair Mindy Goldberg and LREI’s Director of Advancement Pippa Gerard will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Please RSVP to Sandra Song in the Office of Advancement at 212-477-5316 x275 or via email at

Thank you,

Mindy Goldberg, Ronnie Halper and Mamie McIndoe
Annual Fund Co-Chairs

2. The high school has been invited to participate in a survey on “Friendship Qualities of Internationally Mobile Adolescents” investigated by a member of the Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University. We are the only school in the United States to participate in the survey; other schools from around the world include the International School in Switzerland and the International School in the Philippines. On October 24, at 2:45 PM, student volunteers will have the opportunity to fill out the survey, which asks questions about friendship. Any student volunteer would be awarded 1 hour of community service for their participation. All students who participate must have a form signed by a parent or family member. Please look for permission slips sent home with students on Monday. Many thanks!

3. A message from Chap, Director of Diversity & Community

SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) work invites the engagement of head, heart, and soul. Participants examine inner and outer ways in which systems bear on lives inside and outside of school. SEED work develops ways of understanding complex relations between self and system with regard to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability/disability and cultural experience.

Our First Parent SEED Meeting:
Wed. October 15th at 6PM, in the MS Art Room (Sixth Ave)

Take a look at the attached to join LREI’s monthly Parent SEED Group. Contact Sandra (Chap) Chapman, Director of Diversity & Community at, or Peggy Peloquin to learn more.

4. From the LREI PA Literary Committee and the LREI PA Multicultural Committee: Please take a look at the attached letter for ways you can get involved! Your participation is key!

5. Ronnie Halper, P’11, is the Vice-President for the Parent Association and is available if you need to talk to someone, bring an issue or question to the Parent Association, or would like to know how to get involved. She can be reached at

6. Please make a note: ASC After-School Homework Sessions: The ASC is available for after-school homework/quiet study on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 pm to 5:45 pm. This is an excellent time for students to study independently in a quiet, supervised environment or meet with me for extra planning or organizational assistance. Students may also obtain extra homework help in certain subjects (English, History, Spanish). And if students fall behind in their work, faculty are encouraged to require students to make-up missing assignments in the ASC during these sessions. Please be sure to pass this information along to your child.

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