Project by: Farin Weinger (10th Grade)
Project Advisor: Daniel Li
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jessica Tan

Description of the Project:

I will be exploring the history behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and also what it is used for currently. I will also be exploring how my community relates to personality tests like MBTI. The goal is to expand my knowledge on personality tests and either prove or disprove stereotypes based off of MBTI.

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

Final Reflection on Learning:

Overall, this was a really interesting experience because it was something that I haven’t done before. It pushed me to expand my thinking and creativity to create a questionnaire that would invoke the types of answers I was looking for. It was also intriguing to see what other people’s thoughts were and how they aligned with my own. 

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant):

The first couple weeks have been learning about the MBTI test’s history and getting back into a work ethic. I learned that the MBTI was based off of Carl Jung’s research and was meant to figure out how people respond in the world (which is also the basis of the personality types). The following weeks will be creating my questionnaire and getting information.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant):

It was interesting creating a questionnaire because I have never done that before. Thinking about the types of responses I want and how to elicit them was fun, and also a good skill to learn. My questionnaire has two parts: the first is my own evaluation of their personality “type” through their own direct assessment of themselves, and the second is how that applies to other parts of their life like school/work. I will be comparing both my thoughts on their responses from the first part and how that compares to their results on the MBTI (through the 16 Personalities website, one of the most popular applications of the MBTI). I also will be comparing their MBTI type to the recommendations/assumptions that the 16 Personalities website has. I am excited to complete the analysis!

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

These final few weeks have been both stressful and rewarding as my experiment has come to an end. I was aiming to get roughly 10 people and ended up getting 11. I think that working through each of the participant’s results were tiring and took much more effort than I initially expected. That was interesting because I thought that the analyzation part would be easier. I am excited for this project to come to a close and to share my results to people.

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