Project by: Max Scherr (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: Jonathan
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Jonathan

Description of the Project:

I decided to draw a timeline of all that has happened in Covid times, starting from December at the wet exotic market and ending at the signing of stimulus bill (was most recent thing when planning) I learned a lot about Covid and the state of our country right now, which is very important. Overall this was an informative and fun project

Final Product (e.g., documents, images, video, audio, poster, display, etc.):

Final Reflection on Learning:

Through completing my honors project, I learned a lot about COVID-19 and the state of our country right now, which is very important. It is now more important than ever to know what’s going on around you, or else you can be in danger or endanger the lives of others. During my honors project research, I learned about the political side of the pandemic, and the statistics of COVID cases, as well as picturing the way it looks in different cities. Drawing helped me put a tragedy like this into visual terms, which I know for me is what I like. I think focusing on the imagery simplifies it a little. When reflecting on my work, I am proud of most of my drawings, and I feel as though they displayed what I was trying to show. I was especially proud of my drawings of cities such as New York and Seattle. Those took the longest and were the most detailed. A lot changed while doing the project. The cases got higher, regulations were constantly changing, protests were starting to happen soon after the world was constantly changing a lot, especially in 2020.  Overall, by drawing a timeline of the pandemic, I learned a lot about the events thought took place during the early stages of COVID-19, as well as the political challenges the country faces.

Update on Progress from Weeks 1-3 (include any photos or video if relevant): By Friday April 24, I have 2 drawings done and one in the making (shown below.) So far I have drawn an exotic meat market and an image of Wuhan in lockdown and empty. I am currently drawing a few countries (Germany, Italy, Spain.) So far I think the project has been going great, I think I’m learning a lot from this project from information about the disease, how its spreads etc. to what our politicians are doing in America.

Update on Progress from Weeks 4-6 (include any photos or video if relevant): By week 6 I have 5 drawings done and one more barely started. The new ones are of Trump signing the first Stimulus act into effect giving 2 trillion dollars throughout America to people not working. I have also drawing Spain, Germany, and Italy being hit hard early and later a drawing of America next to a picture of Seattle in Isolation, as it was the first hard hit American state. Then finally a drawing of Ny in lockdown, more specifically Times Square. Its been fun to do so far. It has taught me a lot about the state of our country and what exactly is happening during these confusing times.

Update on Progress from Weeks 7-9 (include any photos or video if relevant):

By week 9 I have finished my project, I have added all of my drawings and feel a sense of accomplishment. Since week 6 I drew a picture of trump passing a law and a final picture of essential workers to thank them. Overall throughout the project I have learned a lot. I have learned who is affected and how, the politics and included images for a visual sense of what’s happening. It has made me more aware about something very personal and affects my life everyday. I think that projects like this are important for this reason. Overall this project was a fun learning experience.

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