Bosco Sodi Writes Back

I’m happy you realized that even when a wall has to be dismantled brick by brick, there is no wall in life (physical, social, or mental) that cannot be removed. Please never forget that!

Bosco Sodi

When we returned from the farm trip, a package was waiting for us at the front desk. So of course we opened it and were so excited to find an invitation, a beautiful book, and a letter from the artist Bosco Sodi, whose art happening we participated in on the second day of school at Washington Square Park.

Yesterday, during our weekly community meeting, our class spent some time with Bosco’s letter discussing the idea of removing walls whether they be physical, social or mental. The discussion was very lively and we were excited to see how readily students connected to these big ideas.

His gallery exhibition, “Caryatides” opens this Thursday at the Paul Kasmin Gallery, 515 West 27th Street and you are invited!







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