Spy Ski School, by Stuart Gibbs

Benjamin Ripley attends to the CIA Academy of Espionage. Benjamin has been activated for a mission with Erica Hale. Alexander Hale, Cyrus Hale, Jawaharlal O’Shea, Chip Schacter, Zoe Zibbell and Warren Reeves. The mission is to get close to Leo Shang’s daughter (Jessica) to befriend her and to learn what Leo is planning. Benjamin and his friends are going to go skiing with her to be friends with her in Vail. Jessica and her dad is staying in a really fancy hotel while Ben, Chip, Jawa, and warren are staying in a motel, a really cheap and horrible motel.


Jawa, Chip, Warren, Erica Hale, and Zoe are going to act as random students so Jessica and Benjamin are going to be together to know each other and learn what Operation Golden Fist is, Unfortunately Mike Brzezinski, who is  Benjamin’s  best friend at his regular school the bad part is that Mike doesn’t know that Benjamin is a spy, and that Mike likes Jessica the target for the mission and Mike is very handsome so Mike might comprimise the whole mission. Luckily Mike is not in the same class as Jessica but he and Jessica are friends already.


Erica is the type of person that knows how to do everything, but skiing. The first time she skied she was really good but she didn’t know how to stop (you know where this is going). She went down the mountain, crashed into Warren, went through the forest, crashed into a lot of people, went into a ramp and crashed. When all the other students came Erica was really embarrassed, because everyone knows that Erica is an amazing person and knows how to do everything, so that was proving she is not a robot.  


Jessica is really adapting to them and liking them more. The next day after ski school Mike invited Jessica to go out but when Benjamin told this too Erica She needed to win over Mike because he was going to win over Jessica which will compromise the whole mission which is crucial. When Erica and Ben tagged along Jessica was very upset and then Mike totally fell for Erica which got Jessica very mad. After that Erica dumped Mike because it was only Part of the mission. The next day Ben had to get advice from Mike. The advice is how to get Jessica to like him more. He said, “You have to get Sasha (A.K.A Erica) to like you.” Ben told Erica that and it worked he and Erica got Jessica to talk to him. The next day Jessica invited him over to her Hotel. They rented the whole hotel! Not just a room. Erica gave him some nanobots to put around the suite to plan out what he’s doing. Read the book to find out more!


I loved the book because it was very descriptive. Also it was very exciting and action-packed which I loved. I wouldn’t recommend this book because I know mostly nobody liked the series in my class neither did my mom. I really don’t know any movies, TV shows or other books about spies. Only some people would like this book because it’s a genre most people don’t like. The book on a scale of five stars to 1 I would give it a 5.

6 thoughts on “Spy Ski School, by Stuart Gibbs

  1. Hi Zen. I do like the Spy School series even though I have not finished it yet. I think it is funny when Erica knows how to do everything except for skiing and she’s really good at everything else. Ski Spy School sounds great, I can’t wait to read it.

  2. This book sounds really good. It seems like it has a lot of action. I know you said you wouldn’t recommend it, but I would totally read it!

  3. Zen, I really liked your book review. I was wondering about the book Spy School because so many people were talking about it. If I read it I could not have done a better more detailed review on it. This book reminds me of Jurassic Park because Jurassic Park had just as many, if not more characters.

    • Zen, This book review really gives so much detail. I think that it is really funny that the kids thought that Erica was a robot because she could do almost everything. Really nice job.

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