Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.

My book is called Coraline and the author is Neil Gaiman. The main character in my books name is Coraline, she likes to explore. Coraline has a great house it is so big and spacey, so her house is definitely the right place to explore. My book takes place in Littlemead, England in 1987. The house is very colorful, the colors of the house are are purple and white.

Coraline is an explorer she is determined and smart. She is an explorer because she likes to go looking around, some of her neighbors said not to go to the well but she still did. She is determined because she wants to get her parents back from her other mother. She is smart because she is careful and cares, she won’t let anyone touch her if there strangers.

Two parts of this story I enjoyed were when Coraline wrote a story it was about a girl named Apple she loved to dance and then her feet turned into sausages. The other part is when the other mother ate the black beetles out of a little bag.

I really enjoyed this book because I like books that are scary interesting and like when there is a lot of exploring. I definitely recommend this book it’s never boring so that is why. I think Harry Potter is kinda like this book, because they explore and they don’t get paid attention to that much. I would rate this book a five out of one to five stars!

17 thoughts on “Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.

  1. I like scary and interesting books too! I think it is cool and gross at the same time when the Mother with the button eyes eats a bag of beetles. Ew! I think you did a great job explaining Coraline’s personality.

  2. 😀 I have never read this book but I have watched the movie! I decided I didn’t want to read the book but now I do! I love how you wrote about the book with detail but did not give the story away.

    Makeda 😀

  3. Good work on this review! I can tell you read carefully. The part about the beetles is so creepy. Good noticing that it’s similar to Harry Potter because there is lack of adult supervision. Where are all the adults in these fantasy novels with young children running around exploring?!?!

  4. I have heard a lot about this book and how great it is, but I am always too scared to actually read it. Maybe after reading this review I will.

    • You should read the book. It’s awesome! Then you can watch the movie which is terrifying at least Makeda and I think so.

  5. I watched the movie and it was SO creepy.
    You described Coraline really good and really made the other mother eating beetles really scary.
    Great job.

    • Thank you, I agree that the movie is very creepy and scary. But I also recommend the book because it makes it creepy in words.

  6. I remember when I first read this book. My heart was definitely pounding when Coraline was in the tunnel. I feel like the book is much scarier than the movie. What do you think?

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