Book Of Sith by Daniel Wallace

5899-Star-Wars-Book-of-Sith-1383093726        You may venture far into the public library, but beware the power of the Sith in the science fiction section! The book I read was called The Book Of Sith by Daniel Wallace. This book takes place a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. The book explains all the untold stories of the Sith’s role in the Star Wars universe. The main characters are all Sith lords I feel like people of all age would like this book because it can make anyone say : “huh, I never knew that.” It contains many interesting stories and journal entries about the Sith that span the Star Wars saga . The Sith are an ancient force of darkness as old as time itself. The Sith are the sworn enemy of the Jedi and are controlled by no one.   All Sith seek to achieve power and domination, and would even kill each other to get it.  


      One event that changed everything was the end of the old republic wars. After that war many Sith lords died and the Sith order needed to regroup (and that took about 30 years). This event marked a turning point for the Sith order allowing them to create an army of robots called battle droids.  I found it interesting that Sith not only use the universal weapon of force wielders, the lightsaber  but they also use enchanted swords, razor bladed frisbees and metal boomerangs. The Sith also use fire, ice, and lightning to attack their enemies.


    Three words I can use to describe the main characters are powerful, stubborn and cruel. Five Jedi would still be out matched to one Sith lord. A Sith could not only move a mountain with their powers, but they could crush one as well. Once a Sith has decided on a plan, anyone who objects may need to run away at top speed if they would like to keep an arm. Sith do not only crush their enemies but they also torture them.
   I enjoyed this book because it explains all the ins and outs of the Sith order.  I am also a star wars aficionado and I  really like S W . I would recommend this book to anyone who has liked S W at one point or another.  Also any on who likes science fiction. This book definitely reminds me of S W the lost missions. (A cartoon network series.) From one to five stars I would give this book  five stars.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  

5 thoughts on “Book Of Sith by Daniel Wallace

  1. I agree Sofia! I really like the way you talked about the Sith’s personalty. It is so cool that it is the Sith’s side of view.

  2. I love reading alternate points of view. Especially those of villains. Do you think you have to know the ins and outs of Star Wars to like this book?

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