The Prophet of Yonwood



I chose this book because I enjoyed the first 2 books in the series The City of Ember. The author’s name is Jeanne Duprau, and the name of my book is The Prophet of Yonwood. The book is about Nickie who wants to accomplish three goals; something good for the world, fall in love, and not let her family sell her grandfather’s building. The main problem is a war is about to happen between America and the Phalanx Nations. The setting is Yonwood in America. The time is around the twenty-first century. Grover is another kid Nickie meets who studies snakes. He wants to study to become a herpetologist but he doesn’t have money to go to study this subject.


The main character is Nickie,who is adventurous, brave, and caring. Nickie is caring because she played a lot with Otis, her grandfather’s dog. Nickie is adventurous because she went downstairs to see what the clanging noise was.  Nickie hoped to achieve her goal #1,2, and 3. Nickie sent Grover $375, because Grover did not have money to study about snakes. Grover became a herpetologist and discovered a new type of snake that had a chemical that could be used as a powerful painkiller. Grover only became a herpetologist because Nickie gave him $375. Nickie was worried about the war. The president’s deadline was 1 day from war. The war didn’t happen in the end because the president stopped it. Nickie really misses her dad, who is working for the government on a secret mission. At the end of the book, she finds out where her dad is. This book also explains a lot about Ember: how it was created, why it was created and where it was created. Nickie’s dad was involved in the creation of Ember. The most interesting part was the end of the book where we got a glimpse to the future, and found out that the city of Ember was needed 50 years later.


I enjoyed the book because it has lots of cool things. It also has code that Nickie figures out where her dad was. It is very interesting because the prophet occasionally says things that came from her vision. The vision was a future glimpse.   I would recommend this book to people who have read the other two books, because it explains a lot of things about the city of Ember. A connection to life:  I have lived where there was a war before, and I am also interested in snakes like Grover. I would rate this book 5 stars but I wouldn’t want to read it again because I know what happens. I also don’t want to reveal a lot of information about the book, because I don’t like spoiling books for other people.

By Alon

2 thoughts on “The Prophet of Yonwood

  1. Sounds like a great book! The war that was supposed to happen but didn’t, reminds me of something. Have you ever heard of the cold war?

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