Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Summer Vacation By Tommy Greenwald

The main character of this book (if you don’t know from the title) is Charlie Joe Jackson.  He decides to make his parents happy and go to a summer camp called Camp Rituhbukkee (pronounced Camp Read-a-bookie).  In his bunk every kid has a weird habit. One kid sneezes about 20-70 times a minute.  Another kid thinks that garlic will make him live forever.  They all think he’s weird because of his ‘non reading’ ways except Jack and George.  Jack’s dad has a master plan to get Jack into Harvard and George is like the smartest kid in America.


Charlie Joe Jackson is trying to de-nerd these super smart kids to save them from a world of dorkdom.  He gets hired for the Bukkee Bugle (the camp newspaper).  He has to write an article about a book about Lech Walesa, if you don’t know who Lech Walesa was, you can look his wikapedia.

I would give this book 5 stars (*****) because it is super super super super funny (it really deserves 3 supers).  I would recommend this book to Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans.

12 thoughts on “Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Summer Vacation By Tommy Greenwald

  1. I really want to read this book when we get back from break! Emma D. also loves this book. I can already see from your book review that this book is filled with humor. You have done a nice job of providing potential readers with important aspects of the plot without giving away too much information! I also like the way you have related the book to another well-known series (Diary of of Wimpy Kid). It is really helpful when book reviews provide a point of comparison so that potential readers know what to expect.

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