Category: Grade

Mathematical Similarties

Figures are mathematically similar when all corresponding angles are congruent and there is a scale factor. This means between two figures the angles have the same measurement. For figures also to be mathematically similar they needs to be a scale factor. A scale factor is when there is a number that you multiply or divide that will give you the measurement of the side length. Figures are only similar when there is a scale factor and all corresponding angles are congruent.

True or False

Any two rectangles are similar.

  • This is false because all rectangles angles are congruent but not all rectangles have a scale factor. Rectangles are only similar when there is a scale factor and all corresponding angles are congruent.  This proves that any two rectangles are not similar.

Any two equilateral triangles are similar.

  • This is true because all of the sides of an equilateral triangle are equal. Also all angles are congruent in an equilateral triangle. One equilateral triangle would be equivalent to the other one.

Science Journals

screen-shot-2016-11-08-at-7-19-36-pmThis a picture of my science journal. In this assignment we were asked to write down what we ate for the last three meals. We also had to say if the mean was a consumer or producer, and the organisms we deepened on. It’s meaningful to me because this assignment later turned into a muir web.

Roto-Copter Experiment

screenshot-2016-11-08-at-9-16-01-amThis is a picture of a roto- copter. In this experiment we would make different sized roto- copters and test them out. My partner and I experiment question was  what would fall faster? The bigger, The medium, or the smaller one.

These were the results and our conclusion:screenshot-2016-11-08-at-9-19-06-am

This experiment was fun and easy and efficient. It was a great way to start off the year.

Colonial Note Card

Sam Notecard 9



“However, arguably the taverns’ most important role in society (and American history) is the role they played in the beginning of the Revolutionary War. As anger spread throughout the colonies, many took to the tavern to discuss, argue, and debate what needed to be done. One location in particular, Boston’s  Green Dragon Tavern  (or as Daniel Webster put it “ the Headquarters of the Revolution ”) played host to the infamous “Sons Of Liberty” who, presumably after a couple of pints of spruce beer or molasses-infused porters, plotted the “Boston Tea Party.” It’s not hard to imagine why a couple of ales could have played a role in nudging along the idea of dressing like a Native American and dumping some of the East India Company’s finest tea into Boston Harbor.”


  • Taverns played a big role in the Revolutionary war
  • When there was anger in the colonies about the war a lot of people went to taverns to discuss  it
  • Sons Of Liberty was started in a tavern (The Sons of Liberty was an organization of American colonists that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies.)
  • In a tavern the Boston Tea Party was planned out
  • They dumped the finest teas into the harbor 

My Ideas:

Taverns were very important in the War for many reasons. One reason was you could get away and talk to your buddies about the war and no British soldiers would hear you. In taverns you could have privacy and during the war feel safe. Another reason why taverns were important in the war was the colonists plotted a lot of ideas to fight the British and to rebel against them. I infer that a tavern was one of the most important locations of a colonial town based off of other cards and other information.  Without taverns towns would not be the same. This also connects on Native American tribes would not be the same without meeting houses. In taverns they plotted a revolution, without taverns America might not be the same.


Created: 11/01/2016 10:29 AM

This a note card on taverns in the war. In this note card I used a quote that was very strong and my ideas on the topic and quote was very strong. I also am proud of this work because I got a good grade. As I learned more about mine topic I got better at doing note cards. When I started my analysis was not as good as now. I also worked a lot harder on my note cards. For example, I went into greater detail, I explained my work and connected to the three cultures.

Making 13 Colonies HW

Name: Sam September

Making Thirteen Colonies Homework

Directions: Read chapter 3 in Making Thirteen Colonies. Answer the following questions below. Read carefully and be sure to answer ALL parts of each question. Use complete sentences. Be sure to use textual evidence and analysis for questions 2 and 3.

Questions From Chapter 3:


  1. Briefly identify the following names/terms:
  2. Werowance-

A werowance (WEER-ah-wunts) was a leader/chief in a Native American tribe in Virginia and Maryland.


  1. Estuary-

A  estuary is a body of water where the mouth of a river meets the sea. Estuary’s tended to have lots of animals such as ducks, geese, wild turkeys, and fish near them.

  1. Powhatan (the man)-

Powhatan, also know as Wahunsonacok, was an Indian leader of eastern Virginia. He was very strong and ruled tons of villages. At one point, he had 9,000 subjects the land he presided over stretched from Washington D.C to northern North Carolina. He was said to have had 100 wives 9,000 subjects. Powhatan was very wealthy and had lots and lots of deer skin.   

  1. Powhatan Indians-

Powhatan Indians were the people ruled by the leader Powhatan. There were about 9,000. At least a ⅓ of which were warriors. The Indians raised many vegetables and corn and hunted for deer, fish, and more. Powhatan Indians spoke Algonquian (al-GON-kwee-un).

  1.  Describe the region in which the Powhatans lived. (Use textual evidence.)

The Powhatan Indians lived mostly in Virginia but also in parts of Washington D.C. and North Carolina.  The area they lived in was surrounded by the Chesapeake Bay and lots of rivers. The people lived in little villages with lots of resources. “It was a land of rivers, bays, and estuaries; of ducks, geese, wild turkeys, and deer; of fertile soil, fish, and shellfish; of wild berries, nuts, and grapes,” (Hakim, p.22). There were other animals, such as  raccoons, opossums, squirrels, turkeys, rabbits and deer, too.

  1.  Describe the way the Powhatans lived. (Use textual evidence.)

The way the Powhatan’s lived was very unique. Everyone in the a village had a role, man or women. “It was the men who hunted, fished, fished, and fought. Women farmed,” (Hakim, p.22). The children did not start their work until they were young adults. One animal that the people depended on was deer for food. If someone from a different tribe was found hunting in the Powhatan’s area for deer, it would start a tribal war. The men and women tended to wear lighter clothes during fall and summer but during winter they would cover themselves in deerskin. A big thing that the Indians used was bear grease. Bear grease kept them warm, repelled mosquitoes, and made their skin shine.

This is one of my Making 13 Colonies homework assignments. In this assignment we learn about the Powhatan and the Powhatan village. I am proud of this work because I answered the questions in a strong way and I got a good grade. I got a good grade because I really understood the assignment when I was doing it. Also I explained my evidence in my assignment and that lead to me doing a good job.

Giver Essay

Sam Giver Essay                                                                                               10/26/16

Experiences That Change Jonas

What if you lived a world that was all set up and every move you make is watched and judged by someone? In a world where everyone is the same created by Lois Lowry’s The Giver you have no say in what’s right and wrong. A twelve year old boy, named Jonas lives in a utopia where change is prevented by the Elders of the community. When Jonas becomes the Receiver of Memory, this shifts in the community. Jonas faces many different experiences as the Receiver of Memory and that changes him in many different ways. Change can be very dangerous in a utopia, and Jonas has to handle the experiences that change him. The Elders try to prevent change in the society, to prevent chaos. Jonas’s experiences and memories change him which creates dystopia in the community.

The Elders try to prevent chaos by giving pills to the people of the community. The pills prevent feelings for one another which the people call Stirrings. If these pills were not in the utopia it would create chaos, and that is what the Elders try to prevent. Having feelings for another person could change someone in ways that could be dangerous in a utopia. For example, when Jonas has feelings for Fiona, he changes and thinks differently. “Stirrings. He had heard the word before. He remembered that there was a reference to the Stirrings in the book of rules, though he didn’t remember what it said,” (Lowry, p.37). The reason why the Elders created the pills is for the people not to have feelings for one another, because that could change them and create chaos. This shows that the Elders need to take action to stop chaos. Sometimes the elders can’t control how one changes. The elders can’t control how the experiences Jonas faces changes him.

The Elders try to prevent chaos and dystopia. Sometimes they can not control how someone changes, for example, Jonas. The memories Jonas goes through change him and that is something the elders can not control. If someone changed too much, it would create chaos and dystopia. So by having Jonas changing as he faces different experiences must scare them. “Jonas did not want to go back. He didn’t want the memories, didn’t want the honor, didn’t want the wisdom, didn’t want the pain. He wanted his childhood again, his scraped knees and ball games. He sat in his dwelling alone, watching through the window, seeing children at play, citizens bicycling home from uneventful days at work, ordinary lives free of anguish because he had been selected, as others before him had, to bear their burden,” (Lowry, p.102). Based off the memories that Jonas faced, he changes in different ways. The memoires make him go through hard and easy experiences. For example the quote above shows how the memories can affect him, and how they change the way he feels about his childhood, and his community. The Elders try to prevent the people to change in the community. That is something they can not control. Also based off the different experiences the other people have, it changes them too.

Although the Elders in Jonas’s community try to prevent chaos by keeping everyone’s experiences the same, Jonas’s different experience lead him to change his thinking about his world. He experiences a lot of pressure and pain when he is the Receiver of Memory. This pain makes him think about whether or not his world is a perfect utopia and if it can improve to be better. If you experienced what Jonas had gone through how would the change affect you? What would you do to the world you live in? The experiences make Jonas wonder whether he lives in a utopia or a dystopia.

This is my essay about the book The Giver. In my essay I wrote about a theme was experience and change in the main characters (Jonas) world. I am proud of it because I think it is very good and explains my theme in a good way. When I started the book I did not really go into detail but as I progressed I got better at going into detail.

Math Note Taking

img_0048This is a picture of bad note taking. It is bad note taking because my work is sloppy and unclear. It also in not detailed enough and hard to understand.

img_0049 This is a picture of good note taking. It is good note taking because it clear and easy to understand. It is also good note taking because you can clearly see what is going on in class that day.

Math Checkup 2 post


On the first page of this assignment is was asking you to find the scale factors between each shape. I found shape y and w had a scale factor because it had a scale factor of 2. 4 x 2=8 3 x 2=6. I also found that shape t and z had a scale factor of 2 as well. 2 x 2=4 3 x 2=6.

On the second page of this assignment we were asked to find a figure similar and not similar for each shape. The original shape was 4 by 3.  I then drew a shape that was 12 by 9. It was similar because it had a scale factor of 3 and all angels are congruent. The shape I drew that was not similar was 1 by 2. It was not similar because it had no scale factor. The second original shape was a triangle which was 4 by 6. I drew a shape that was 4 by 3. It was similar because it had a scale factor of 1/3. The shape I drew that was not similar was 6 by 9. It was not similar because it had no scale facor.

Spanish Skits

My group worked together very well because mostly at all times we had something to do. It was definitely a  group effort. For example we helped each other and we were very efficient. We completed the skit in a timely fashion, we did not have to start over. I could have done better when I performed because I laughed a little bit but besides that our group performed pretty well. We could have rehearsed a little more to make our performance better. We also could have worked on our pronunciation, and our scripts could have been better.

Art Homework

My favorite technique was hatching, for a few reason. One reason was it was a simple and easy technique to use, and I think it can be used in a lot of art projects. It was not hard to draw the grid, I think it was very interesting how 6b pencil compares to a 2h pencil.