My Map Project #2

Tilda Map Project 3

This is what I thought was my finished map project. Then we had critiques and the comments that stood out the most were that it looks unfinished and they can’t tell what the black thing is. It is a ruler, and I think I am going to make it look more like that. I might make the desk seem complete with other things that might be on a desk. I am really proud of it because I think it really is a good way to highlight my project. I think my project represents my view of New York because coffee is everywhere.

My Body System Bubble Map


This is my body system bubble map. While making this map I realized how much the systems connect. When I first saw this I was really worried and I didn’t think I would know what to do but then I realized all the ways the systems connect. Something else I started to do was I made a lot of little clouds and connected it to things out side of the systems. I really liked this activity.


Recently in class we have been working on Shabanews. That is a project where we pretend we are reporters talking about themes in Shabanu. We talked about Fashion, and brought up the theme of culture and women’s rights.

Here are the news:

Breaking News in the world of fashion! We are here to talk about the new trends Pakistani clothes! We will interview Phulan and her parents Mr. Abassi and Mrs. Abassi. Then, we will interview their other daughter about her ideas about her husband’s to-be clothes. There was so much drama! Someone cries, and the idea of culture keeps being brought up! What is that about? Get all of it here first at the Fashion Police. The video below is worth watching. We can give you the latest updates, and show you all the new trends! Fashion Police brings you everything you need. This Pakistani clothing can be sold to you at the store on Bleeker or online. It’s the new trend! We are the Fashion Police. Brought to you by Glukinshbeel Cereal.

Look below for pictures of the clothes!

 Here are the Pictures:

This is a Shalwar Kameez


This is a Chadr:People_WomanChild

And this is a Jinnah Cap:



And Here is the Video: 

Shabanews fashion police: Pakistani clothing from Io Weintraub on Vimeo.

If you can’t hear the last part of the video, here is the script below:


Io: Hello and welcome to the fashion police! We have all of the new trends.  So what do you think of men’s fashion Shabanu?


Tilda: I don’t want to speak bad about my to-be husband.


Io: So you would talk bad about his clothing?


Tilda: No! I just don’t want to upset him!


Io: Why?


Tilda: Because he makes my family a lot of money. And I really don’t want to marry him and it is very …. (Start almost crying)


Io: Ok…., but about Pakistani clothes, what is he wearing?


Tilda: He is wearing a Jinnah Cap


Io: What about on his body?


Tilda: He is wearing a traditional shalwar kameez,which is a robe almost what everyone wears in Pakistan.


Io: Why should this be brought into America?

Tilda: What… oh, because it is good clothing.


Io: But why?


Tilda: I don’t know, culture


Io: More about culture, huh.

My Map Project #1


In class we have been working on a project were we have to transform a map. My map project originally was to cover a mug in map, write N.Y.C. in coffee logos, and then draw monuments on the mug too. Right now I have covered the mug in the map, and made some of the logos. In class we did criticism and someone said to put famous restaurants on the map. I decided to instead of that put my favorite places to eat instead of drawing monuments. I think this will help show my perspective of N.Y.C.

How To: Control a Family by Auntie

“Auntie has grown more tyrannical by the month.” Page 88

Hi, my name is Auntie, or it is to my family. Speaking of families mine is horrible. They think they run everything, but really I am the mastermind behind everything. But sadly, I’m getting old and forgetting all I have learned. So here in this journal, I am going to record how I do it.

How To: Control a Family

Step 1: Always make sure you have money.

How do you do this you may ask? Sell camels. But I would never get close to those filthy beasts, so you must get other people to do it. I chose Shabanu to be the camel keeper because I hate her the most. When she was younger, I would scare her out of the house, and she would go to the camels. Soon, she liked the camels and she started taking care of them and now she sells them. And then the money goes to us, and I get my fair share.

Step 2: Make sure people don’t mess with you.

The key to a healthy family is one person controlling everyone. Everyone must fear that person. That’s me. First, make your mark. I sit in the same seat every day and never move. No one dares come close. Next, make sure you scare the children. Threaten them, and when they grow older they will still be scared of you. And how do you make people listen to you and never want to mess with you? Fear, which is exactly what I have.

Step 3: Have Sons.

You must have sons because money is amazing. When you marry a son, the bride’s family has to pay you a dowry. More sons, more dowries. More dowries, more money. Now I am really good at this. I have many sons. But, my housemates failed this, so here is what you do:

Step 4: If you have the misfortune of daughters, scare the Grooms.

Now, women must be married. But you do have to worry about the dowry. The trick is to get your return. Scare the groom, and make sure he wants to keep you happy. Hint that money makes you happy, and then say when you’re sad you are going to visit. He’ll not want to have you visit because he’s scared of you, and you visit when you’re sad, so he will try to make you happy. Soon you’ll have your return.

Step 5: The Long-Term Plan.

Now, everyone dies. And I will soon, so I have to have a long-term plan. It is simple, chose someone you like and pass on this How-To. Then, make sure they always talk about you. So even when you’re dead, you still will scare children in their sleep.

Those are the five easy steps to control a family. Just remember to be scary! Here are some other tips:



a sad young woman in a brown dress sitting on a chair. isolated on white

Don’t be like her! Be scary! Like her:


That’s me!

A Wedding Without The Dress

“She’s jealous because she’s old and fat.” Page 88

Dear Journal,

I just want to say, life is hard. And somehow no matter what I do, It just gets worse every day. Even my family doesn’t know my name, I’m just Auntie. I haven’t seen my husband is months and he’s coming tomorrow. He’ll bring me jewels, but all he will see is this pudgy woman who spends her life sewing someone’s wedding dress. I’m getting old and forgetting all that I have learned. I don’t care for the wedding, but yet I spend every day slaving away for the perfect dress. No one cares what I say or think about, Shabanu runs free. One day she will understand that that doesn’t work. I tried, and here I am trying to hide from my own husband. The only thing I can do is sew a wedding dress, so it is going to be the best wedding dress anyone has ever seen. The dress has beautiful embroideries, that would look perfect on me. I didn’t even have a proper wedding, I was just married and then I wait and wait for presents once in a while. Phulan is lucky, she will have a dream wedding. Everyone will think she’s beautiful in this dress. Without the dress, her wedding would be nothing just like mine. I’m tempted to keep it, and she will have to be married in her nicest dress, which is nothing compared to this yellow silk. A wedding without the dress, how horrible that would be. It wouldn’t be hard to keep this dress, my family knows not to take things from me. So I will! Phulan’s wedding will be exactly like mine. She’ll end up like me, slaving away for her niece’s dress. She’ll be fat, waiting for her husband’s gifts. “Can I have the dress?” Shabanu’s Mother asks. “Okay,” I say. I forget her plans. She is going to give the dress to Phulan! My plan is ruined and I frown at Phulan. She’s going to have a perfect wedding, a perfect husband, and she’ll have the most rights a woman could get! How horrible, if only I kept the dress.

image (1)YellowDress

The Uncertainty

My favorite poem I have written so far is a poem called The Uncertainty. It is about someone who has the task of destroying a spider’s web, but then gets caught up in the beauty of it. I think it is my favorite poem because I spent so much time working on it and I think it really is a great example of my best work. Here it is:

The Uncertainty

It hangs there

Glistening in the sun

I notice the patterns for the first time

Intricate spools of string

Such a heavenly home,

For such a bloodthirsty creature.

Really, the house is a piece of art,

Inhabited by a murderer


The vampire has left the web

With its corpses hanging

Suspended in time

With one flick of a twig

I can destroy this haunted house

Sugar coated

Luring in the innocent.


How can such a deathly spider,

Create such an exquisite web?

A delicate design,

That somehow can catch an army

And imprison souls


I have a decision to make

Do I stop the kills

Of the innocent

But also destroy,

This maleficent palace?

A home

A dungeon

An Obscurity



The process of making this poem was long. First, it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to write about. After that, I had a lot of trouble trying to start it. I kept changing it, but soon I found a beginning I liked. Writing the rest of the poem wasn’t too hard, but then came editing. I edited it over the course of five or more days. The last part was creating a title. My last line is An Obscurity and I thought that would be a good title, but I didn’t want to be too repetitive. I then used Thesaurus to find synonyms and it gave me the word uncertainty and I really liked it, because the poem is about being uncertain if the character should ruin the web. I also liked how it meant obscurity too, without me having to use the word.


Structure Fits Function – The Small Intestine


Did you ever wonder what happens inside the digestive system or where your food goes after you swallow it? Part of the process of the food digesting is the small intestine. By the time, the food gets to the small intestine it is broken down into almost a liquid. But what is the small intestine? That’s what I’m going to tell you today!

  • The Small Intestine has a rough surface (villi) so the food will be absorbed by it into the body. It isn’t stored, but it is absorbed.
  • It is 15-30 ft long, to make sure the maximum the number of nutrients absorbed from the food.
  • Because it is so long, the body coils it up on itself.
  • So it doesn’t uncoil, the Small Intestine is surrounded by the Large Intestine.
  • It also has a thick muscle layer surrounding it to increase the surface area.

All of that helps the Small Intestine do its function!

My Geometric Pattern

Tilda Geometric PatternThis is my Geometric Pattern. Something I like about it is the pattern itself. I think it works well because it really easily repeats but still has a lot of shapes. Something I wish I could change was the quality of my coloring. I think it is a little messy and can be neater.

My Illuminated Letter

Tilda IlluminationThis is my illuminated letter. Something I like about it is the letter itself. I like the polka-dots because it took a lot of work to make it because I had to make it line up. Something I wish I could change is the hat I drew on my T. I like it but the sky covered one of the pom-poms.

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