I want to travle

I want to travel

I don’t want to stand still

I don’t want to sit around

I want to travel

I want to explore the world

I want to do something i’ve never done

I want to travel

I don’t want to stay at home

I don’t want to sleep

I want to travel

I want to see new things

I want to experience new cultures

I want to travel

My inspiration for this poem was because my mom was on a business trip and I thought from someone else perspective. Someone who has never been somewhere different. This is not a certain type of poem. My poem has line breaks, rhythm, and repetition. I like this poem because I wrote it is someone else perspective. Im proud of it because I thought incorporated a lot of elements of poetry in this one poem.





Standing tall

Reaching, accomplishing, achieving

You will feel proud

Once you reach your goal

*This is based on a Cinquain but I changed the rules at the end.

I got inspired to write this poem because I was thinking about the goal I made in the beginning of the year and weather I accomplished my goals or not. A Cinquain is a 5 line poem. There are different ways to write this poem. This is one way, 

Line1: 1 word Dinosaurs

Line2: 2 words            Lived once,

Line 3: 3 words Long ago, but

Line 4: 4 words Only dust and dreams

Line 5: 1 word Remain

My Poem has line breaks and rhythm. I like this poem because I can connect to the feeling of reaching you goal. I feel proud of it because I know that other people will be able to connect to it in different ways.




There is nothing worse than loving a dog

There’s nothing worse than loving a dogIMG_1828

You get so attached

so connected

You grow old together

Live together

Play together

You become best friends

As if there’s nothing that could ever tear you apart

But  for every gift you have to give

It’s scary knowing that every day you may come home

To see that your best friend it no longer there

As they get older I stay young

Where has the time gone

I have a very old dog and a few weeks ago he had a seizure and I was really sad and so I wrote this poem. This is not a certain type of poem. This poem has line breaks, rhythm, and a visual. I really like my poem because I spent a lot of time on it and it shows how I feel. I am proud of it because it it acurite and it has a lot of emotion.


My Favorite Art Piece

My Screenshot 2016-05-25 at 9.11.03 AMfavorite piece that we did and that I made was the map project. I liked it because we had a wide range of projects to do, all we had to do was use a map. I made a American Flag and I really liked the way it turned out. I think that because I was happy with the way it turned out, that made it my favorite piece.


My Map Project

My Project is called American Map, I named it that because I made an american flag to symbolize my experience in New York. It is made of map so I added Map at the end. I think that I made a lot of progress on my project. We had to give constructive criticism each other and a lot of people didn’t understand my idea. The project proposal was to take a map and make art that connects with your experience of NYC. I am very happy with the way it turned out, I had to problem solve a little because the map was made with a different kind of paper so the red water color paint didn’t react to it very well. I had to paint Mod Podge over it first and then use water color. I think that my piece is very different from other peoples and other art pieces I’ve done before and thats why I like it so much.

Screenshot 2016-05-11 at 9.13.06 AMScreenshot 2016-05-25 at 9.11.03 AM


Shabanu News Post

Weather Report Article

There have been some interesting weather patterns throughout Pakistan recently. But the main story has been the sandstorm that covered all 10,200 square miles of the Cholistan Desert. Some families have had to deal with the sand covering tobas and animals and family members blowing away in the harsh winds. We interviewed two residents of the Cholistan Desert. Shabanu and Dalil Abassi. Here are some things that happened during the sandstorm according to Shabanu:

“The night that the [sandstorm] happened, I was sleeping and my sister, Phulan woke me up. I thought that my skin [because of the sand], was being pierced by a thousand needles.” The storm’s high winds prevented Shabanu from seeing anything until the winds subsided. Her luck didn’t turn out very well.

“We found that our camel, Mithoo, Sher-Dil, our dog and my grandfather were all gone. The storm injured Shabanu’s grandfather fatally, but he was found alive under sand. He survived for a few days. He died in his sleep. After talking to Shabanu, we interviewed Dalil Abassi, Shabanu’s father. It was a very scary moment for him because he was the head of the family. He had to make sure that everyone was safe.

“When the storm hit, I was very scared. Not for me, but for my family. I didn’t want anything to happen to them.” They stayed inside and waited out the storm. Somehow, Dalil’s father blew away. “I was very scared [for my father], but I knew Allah would save him.”


We also talked to Dalil about his other daughter, Phulan’s wedding. “I wasn’t worried that the storm would hurt the wedding. “I knew that Phulan wanted this very much, and I knew she would do to what she had to do [to make the wedding happen]. Lets all send Shabanu and her family our best wishes. 



Shabanu Blog Post

 Prepare for a Pakistani wedding! By Phulan I am just so excited for my wedding! Dadi refuses to let me see Hamir, soon to be my husband he says it’s bad luck. Dadi tells me about his handsome face and his strong muscles, for the last time I saw him was last year at my…
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My Poetry

In class we started to work on poetry. First we talked about what a poem is and why people write poetry. We also learned about two different types of poems, Cinquain and Haiku. We spent one class experimenting writing these new poems.

This is a Cinquain poem I have written.


Standing tall

Reaching, accomplishing, achieving

You will feel proud

Once you reach your goal

*This is based on a Cinquain but I changed the rules at the end.*


I was inspired to write about a goal because that is a common every day thought that goes through your head. Weather you are setting a goal in school or if you are scared to do something. It was hard to me at first to come up with something to write about because I didn’t feel like I would be able to get my message across in a short and concise way.


Structure fits function

Screenshot 2016-04-13 at 10.30.05 AM


These are Epithelial Cells, they are used as a microvilli bordering the villi. Epithelial tissues line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs throughout the body.


Epithelial cells come in three different shapes and sizes. The shape of the cell changes based on what purpose the cell needs to accomplish. Cuboidal Epithelial cells are what your skin is made of. That’s why your skin is squishy. It wouldn’t work if you had squamous cells because the are too leaky. If you had columnar Epithelial cells, your hand would be too thick! That wouldn’t be too convenient, would it?


The three types of epithelial cells are:



Your hand is covered in them!

Cuboidal epithelial cells, as their name suggest, are shaped like cubes they are shaped like cubes . They are typically found in tissues that secrete or absorb substances, such as in the kidneys and glands. Columnar cells are long and thin, like columns. These are usually found in places that secrete mucus like the stomach. They need to be that shape because it has to be really thick because of all of the fluids and acids that are in your stomach etc. Squamous epithelial cells are flat and are usually found lining surfaces that require a smooth flow of fluid such as your blood vessels, or lining areas that require a very thin surface for molecules to pass through, like the air sacs in your lungs.