A current theme found in this book is how grown ups make no sense. Also the setting in this book changed a lot. The main character kept moving from planet to planet to find more friends and make new discoveries. A conflict the little prince faced through out the book was understanding adults logic. Another conflict he faced was making friends on earth and adjusting to the way other people saw life. Over all I really liked this book because the plot kept moving and the story never got boring. The book was really short and I definitely would read another book similar to this one.
Category Archives: summer reading
Animal Farm Summer Reading
Another book I read this summer was a book called Animal farm by George Orwell. This was a sad but exciting book that had you on the edge of your seat, and crying with your head in a pillow. The book takes place on Manor farm, and is run by a cruel man named Jones. The animals on the Manor farm agreed that the quality of their lives on the farm had to change after the eldest pig dies. The animals agree to rebel! They drive all the humans off Manor farm. even Jones. The news spreads throughout England that Manor farm has become Animal farm. The animals of the farm set new rules preventing animals to take on the same characteristics as humans. But, as the book continues the animals slowly start to resemble humans and at the end of the book the animals and humans are staring face to face looking the same.