My population graph

In my graph and all the other graphs the dots should be connected. Why I say that is because things are happening between the dots. New people coming into the world old people are leaving the world. At the end of my graph it is pretty much straight forward besides the little plateaus here and there and thousands of people we lost because of wars and the circle of life. The little hint Ann gave us helped so much. I didn’t really have to change my graph because of that hint because I hadn’t started filling in the graph but it certainly changed the plan I had for the graph.

Photo on 10-16-14 at 9.47 PM

One thought on “My population graph

  1. Grace, that’s an interesting point about why we need to connect the data points on this graph – very true. Isn’t it amazing how quickly the population grew after our first billion was reached? That’s why they call it a population explosion. It looks like your camera reversed the graph!

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