I want to travle

I want to travel

I don’t want to stand still

I don’t want to sit around

I want to travel

I want to explore the world

I want to do something i’ve never done

I want to travel

I don’t want to stay at home

I don’t want to sleep

I want to travel

I want to see new things

I want to experience new cultures

I want to travel

My inspiration for this poem was because my mom was on a business trip and I thought from someone else perspective. Someone who has never been somewhere different. This is not a certain type of poem. My poem has line breaks, rhythm, and repetition. I like this poem because I wrote it is someone else perspective. Im proud of it because I thought incorporated a lot of elements of poetry in this one poem.





Standing tall

Reaching, accomplishing, achieving

You will feel proud

Once you reach your goal

*This is based on a Cinquain but I changed the rules at the end.

I got inspired to write this poem because I was thinking about the goal I made in the beginning of the year and weather I accomplished my goals or not. A Cinquain is a 5 line poem. There are different ways to write this poem. This is one way, 

Line1: 1 word Dinosaurs

Line2: 2 words            Lived once,

Line 3: 3 words Long ago, but

Line 4: 4 words Only dust and dreams

Line 5: 1 word Remain

My Poem has line breaks and rhythm. I like this poem because I can connect to the feeling of reaching you goal. I feel proud of it because I know that other people will be able to connect to it in different ways.




There is nothing worse than loving a dog

There’s nothing worse than loving a dogIMG_1828

You get so attached

so connected

You grow old together

Live together

Play together

You become best friends

As if there’s nothing that could ever tear you apart

But  for every gift you have to give

It’s scary knowing that every day you may come home

To see that your best friend it no longer there

As they get older I stay young

Where has the time gone

I have a very old dog and a few weeks ago he had a seizure and I was really sad and so I wrote this poem. This is not a certain type of poem. This poem has line breaks, rhythm, and a visual. I really like my poem because I spent a lot of time on it and it shows how I feel. I am proud of it because it it acurite and it has a lot of emotion.


My Favorite Art Piece

My Screenshot 2016-05-25 at 9.11.03 AMfavorite piece that we did and that I made was the map project. I liked it because we had a wide range of projects to do, all we had to do was use a map. I made a American Flag and I really liked the way it turned out. I think that because I was happy with the way it turned out, that made it my favorite piece.