To start off the summer I read the first book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld.
This was a thrilling book about a girl named Tally.
She lives in a futuristic city where you get a special surgery when you turn sixteen. The surgery is called “turning pretty.” In this city, if you are younger than twelve you are considered a little. From then on, until you are sixteen you are an ugly. When you reach sixteen you get the thrill of getting the pretty surgery, which includes replacing your skin and getting a new brain, earning a beautiful body, and smooth curves. Tally then realizes that this is not all what it’s cut out to be. On the day of her surgery when she is forced to tell the council everything she knows about a place called “The Smoke,” the council says she has to go to this place in order to get the surgery. When she gets there, she realizes that this society is made up of people who are against the surgery and show Tally what life as an ugly can be like. She meets her true love there, a boy named David. She tries to rescue everyone in this town, but the council gets there first. In the end, the result of these rebels was mostly positive.
This sounds like a great book. I love your review. The only thing that I would change is the last sentence because it’s a bit of a spoiler.
This is a great book review. It gave me enough detail that now I want to read it but not enough to spoil it. Great job!