Math Profile

In 5th Grade, Ana gave Freddie and I a super hard math problem that we would always work on when we finished our classwork and had nothing to do. Freddie and I worked on this problem all year. On June 8th, a week before school ended, we finally finished it, and were correct. At the very beginning of the year last year, I had a bit of operations with fractions, my grades weren’t as good as I would have liked them to be, and I was struggling. But then I mostly straightened out and did much better. I love super challenging problems, and learning how to solve them. What I don’t like about learning math, is busy work. I’d rather have one really hard problem, than a huge amount of small easy ones, where all the time I am spending, is writing rather than thinking. I would consider myself a pretty good math student, because I love thinking about things. I always do my homework as soon as I get home. Sometimes I love math, and other times I don’t.

About 22elijahm

Hey, I'm Elijah M. I'm a part of the gun control social justice group. Throughout the last few months, we've been working to learn about our topic, and volunteer in the field. We're excited to share with you what we've and help you make a difference.

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