The Year Throughout

The Year Throughout


Red leaves, falling leaves,

Raining more leaves, Yellow leaves,

Brown leaves, goodbye leaves.


Snow, Ice, Sleet, Frost, Hail,

Laid out like a huge sno-cone.

“Huh” Here comes the sun.


Rain pummels the ground

The street is paved once again

The flowers will bloom


Summer is ice cream

It’s sprinting out to short-stop

Summer is my life

This was a set of four Haikus and there was one for each season. There are a lot of poems about seasons, but I wanted one for all four in order, to show the flow of the year. A haiku is a poem about nature, that has 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the second, and 5 again on the third. I would say that line breaks are a big part of my poem. There is also rhythm and repetition in the autumn one, repetition in the summer one, and imagery in the spring and winter ones. I really like the way it turned out, and I think it was a good idea for a set of 4 poems. I like how different all my poems are, and I also like the flow that it gives throughout the year.

About 22elijahm

Hey, I'm Elijah M. I'm a part of the gun control social justice group. Throughout the last few months, we've been working to learn about our topic, and volunteer in the field. We're excited to share with you what we've and help you make a difference.

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