Hero Essay

A hero is brave, open-minded, and determined, even under pressure or while being threatened. While many people will back down if threatened, a hero will persevere through it. Although Ulysses, the ancient Greek character, only helped himself, Jackie Robinson played for every person in the world. Ulysses went through all of his trouble so that he could get home, while Jackie Robinson fought for all the African-American baseball players. A hero needs to be able to look at a bad situation and change it, and they need to keep going no matter what.


Ulysses was strong and fierce, but showed cruelty and relentlessness. He didn’t stand down from a fight but was rude and even evil with his victims. On page 26 of The Adventures of Ulysses, Ulysses taunts Polyphemus after stabbing out his eye. “Poor fool! Poor blinded, drunken, gluttonous fool! If anybody asks you- it was not Nobody, but the great Ulysses who has done this to you!” He is harming another, and then taunting him. A hero would never taunt his enemies. Ulysses might win every battle, but a hero is nothing without kindness.


Jackie Robinson is a hero because he broke the color-barrier in Major League Baseball. By doing this he gave rights and more respect for all the people of color in America. Jackie Robinson was open-minded by trying to do it. He was threatened with death countless times, but yet he persevered through it and achieved his goal. This makes him a hero because he was able to do all of this by helping others. Jackie Robinson was a true hero.


Hilary Meltzer is a hero because she is kind, and can make anybody feel good. If somebody isn’t feeling well, she’ll make them feel better. When I broke my finger, she was there with me all the way. She was open-minded in knowing that she could help me. She was determined to make me feel better. If you can make someone feel good, then you’re a hero. Hilary Meltzer is a hero because nobody can feel bad around her.


If the world had no heroes, it would be like living in a wasteland. Nothing good would happen. We would have no rights. People would be corrupt and try to control other people. With nobody to stand up for our rights, some people would take control and we would all live under them. We need someone to be able to help everybody. Without a hero, that can’t happen. The world needs heroes to survive. I’m inspired by all people I consider a hero. They inspire me to help other people.


About 22elijahm

Hey, I'm Elijah M. I'm a part of the gun control social justice group. Throughout the last few months, we've been working to learn about our topic, and volunteer in the field. We're excited to share with you what we've and help you make a difference.

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