
Manhole Cover Poem)
I am beautiful. Have you ever noticed my pattern.
I wish I could leave. But moving me is illegal.
I am a crime. I rust, begging for shelter, but no one comes.
I scream, but no sound. Oh wait I don’t have a mouth.
Anyway, the tables laugh, under their tents. And I rot. Every so often, I am moved. Towards the trees.
Then the bird laugh. Bit of their nests fall. Water drips off the tree, drips on to me.
I hate my life. Then the men in orange move me back. Then it starts again.


In sixth grade, we rad a book called Shabanu. We each had to do a new cast and a specific type of thing you would see in the news. I did comics. Heres my work.

Shabanu Recording Script:
Reporter: Hi, I’m Gabriel Winfield, and today, I have an exclusive report with Shabanu, dog of the wind.
Shabanu: Daughter of the wind.
Reporter: Sorry, well it’s good to have you hear.
Shabanu: It’s good to be hear.=[
Reporter: How’s Phulan.
Shabanu: Actually it’s Phulan.
Reporter: Fine. *cough* Spoil sport. *cough*
Shabanu: Uhg American man. Let’s get back on topic.
Reporter: So, is it nice having Phulan out of the house?
Shabanu: Yes and no. See, I miss her, but I’m mad, because she stole my: Handsome amazing
Reporter: Shabanu stop
Shabanu: beautiful wonderful one of a kind strong too good to be true match. *panting*
Reporter: I think I get it. Do you like this Rahim-Sahib guy.
Shabanu: His name is Rahim-Sahib, and no, I’m not looking forward to marrying him.
Reporter: Then come to America!
Shabanu: What?
Reporter: America!
Shabanu: Are you joking?
Reporter: No.
Shabanu: This is a waste of my time. I’m leaving.
Reporter: Wait, no we’re not done ye- *news theme song*

Shabanu Comic:
Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 8.48.06 PM

Map Art

IMG_20160510_095440Ben Map Project

In art, we are making art out of maps. I’m making a pop up of New York. IT’s not done yet as you can see. I’ll get back to you soon with more updates. Thanks for reading. See you next time!

How To Run A Family By: AuntWithABlog


Hello twerps. Today I’m going to do a “how to”. Today I’m going to tell you how to run a family the right way. If you have an annoying niece like Shabanu, who insults you like how mine said: “She’s just jealous because she’s old and fat,” pg.88 then this is the advice for you. I’m going to tell you in steps.

Step 1: First make everyone think that you don’t care about how the family acts.
Step 2: Slowly give tips to your family members one at a time.
Step 3: Give about a week between each person to make sure they actually become a responsible family member.
Step 4: If any do not become responsible, you must take the aggressive path.
Step 5: If it works it will look some what like this:
social-concept-happy-muslim-arabic-family-isolated-white-background-flat-style-arab-people-father-mother-son-daughter-685740 (1)

Rebellious Children & What Do YOU Do?


Hi bloggers twerps, Auntie here. Today I am going to give all of you some advice. If you notice your nephew, niece, or children starting to rebel against tradition, you need to get on their case ASAP. Especially if they are young. This way they will not live that way and be used to it. Even though it’s not a virus, I swear it’s contagious. I heard one of my nieces say “She’s just jealous because she’s old and fat.” pg.88 I hope that this does not continue. If it does, I’ll always have my angel sons, who are better than nieces like Shabanu and Phulan. Hopefully they become a proper woman and not like this:
woman-silhouette-hi 2

My Favorite Poems

In Humanities, we are doing a poetry unit. Every sixth grader has wrote many poems. I’m going to show you and my top 5 poems and tell you about the process.

Poem 5) My haiku’s a fail.
I apologize so much.
Brain’s on vacation.

Process: This was the first good poem I wrote. I wrote this after I wrote possibly the worlds worst Haiku. This one always cracks me up. Not because the Haiku itself is funny, but remembering how bad my first Haiku was, now that’s funny!

Poem 4) You shouldn’t have left your Halloween candy in front of me.
I ate all of it, and not very slowly.
I know you were seeing how long it would last.
But when I’m around, its lifespan is fast.
I probably should have asked before I took.
But just looking at the candy was more interesting than a book.
You can call the police for all I care.
But you know what they say. Be sure to share.

Process: I made this one just for poem in your pocket day. It’s an little twist of when I stole some of my little sister’s Halloween candy. I only stole five pieces, but she caught me. She said she would call the police, which cracked me up. That’s why this is my fourth favorite poem.

Poem 3) Recess Cinquain)
Laughing Hard.
Stop to breath.
Run away from “it”.

Nature Cinquain)
Quiet, Peaceful
Sitting, Running, Observing
Mother Nature’s Masterpiece

New York Cinquain)
New York
Concrete Jungle
Towering Skyscrapers
The Smell Of Street Vendors And Cars
My Home

Process: I couldn’t pick between my 3 Cinquains, so I gave you all of them. A Cinquain is like a more advanced Haiku. Each of these were quick and easy, but the final product is great. So that is why these are my third favorite poems.

Poem 2)
I am a tree.
I help you live. I help you and don’t ask for much.
I let you live and you chop me down.
A quick sketch and then throw me in the trash.
Without me, you’re like a fish in a barrel.
You’re doomed without me.
Unlike hydra, my heads don’t grow back so fast.
You’re not immortal, so you might as well live as long as you can.
Without air, you only have three minutes. So what are you doing?
You’re killing you when you kill me.
So think about it before you swing your ax and yell timber.
You think you own me, but without me you die.
And without you, I die. We need each other.
So think. You have a brain. Use it.

Process: I submitted this poem into a poetry contest, so of course I’m going to put it here.This is my first not comedic, serious poem. I did this one to try something out of my style.

Poem 1) Life is like fruits and vegetables.
Pickles are like reality. Bitter but delicious.
Apples are like the future. Could be sour, could be sweet.
Brussel Sprouts are like waking up in the morning. It sucks.
Squash is like Trump. They look bad, and they are bad.
Bananas are like two faced people. When they’re in the peel, they look great, but on the inside, they’re all brown.
Weird how things like this work.

Process: Here we are. Numbero uno! The grand finale! MY favorite poem I’ve wrote. The day before I wrote this, I ate a really killer pickle. I was feeling very philosophical when I ate the pickle, and I thought. Pickles are like reality. Then we were doing poetry in class and I came to me.

These are my five favorite poems. I hope you all liked them. Please don’t steal my poems and say they’re your own. Thanks for reading. See you next time!

Nervous System

This is a neuron. A neuron’s cell shape is unique to itself. The Nervous system is made completely out of neurons. But there is more than one type of neuron. There’s motor neurons, which are in charge of involuntary responses to signals. There’s also sensory neurons. They send the senses like pain, touch, sight, taste, sound, and smell to the brain. Then the motor division chooses how you respond.
Now we will explain the main parts of a neuron.
Dendrite: A short branched extension of a nerve cell, along which impulses received from other cells at synapses are transmitted to the cell body.
Axon: The long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses are conducted from the cell body to other cells.
Axon Terminal: Are separated from neighboring neurons by a small gap called a synapse, across which impulses are sent.