Racism Essay Template

Name: Ben C. Humanities
7th Grade Comparative Essay

Outline for Crucible/McCarthy Comparative Essay

Theme: Racism

Paragraph #1: Introductory Paragraph (GIT)

Grabber Statement (G): ISIS took responsibility for 9/11, and since they affiliate with Islam, people develop a prejudice against all Muslims. When those people gain power, it can lead to deportation, terrible treatment, and unfair jailing. What are you supposed to think?

Introduction of Theme (I): Racism is a problem that appears throughout history. It can lead to unfair treatment, hysteria, fear, chaos, and death. Friends become terrorists and neighbors become witches. From the Salem Witch Trials, to the McCarthy Era and current day, it seems to never stop ruining lives and making terrible history.

Thesis Statement (T): Racism can cripple the peace and order of a society. Racism happens when people need someone to blame, so they oppress a group of people who may not have as much power.


Paragraph #2: Crucible Thematic Connection

Topic Sentence (T): Racism in the Crucible is primarily displayed through the treatment of Tituba and how quickly she’s accused of witchcraft.

Explanatory Sentence (E): The play the Crucible showcases the racism that took place during the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690’s. Tituba is the first person accused because she’s a black woman who possess’ little power and no social status. Parris and Abigail use their power and racism in the following section.

Evidence (E):
“Parris: I saw Tituba waving her arms over the fire when I came to you. Why was she doing that? And I heard a screeching and gibberish coming from her mouth. She were swaying like a dumb beast over that fire!
Abigail: She always sings her Barbados songs, and we dance.” (Pg.64)

Analysis (A): This quote shows Parris and Abigail dehumanizing Tituba because she’s black and disempowered. Their treatment of Tituba is extremely racist and terrible. Abigail scapegoats Tituba to take the blame off of herself, because she doesn’t want to lose the slight bit of respect she has and be held responsible for “witchcraft”. Parris even says Tituba swayed over the fire like a beast, which is dehumanization.

Concluding/ Transition (C): The Crucible was a horrible time, even though it was more sexism, it still shows the theme of racism. But racism became more of a problem when there is at least some twisted proof, which is what happened in the McCarthy Era.


Paragraph #3: McCarthy/Red Scare Thematic Connection

Topic Sentence (T): Racism was a huge problem that caused complete hysteria and chaos in the McCarthy Era as well.

Explanatory Sentence (E): The McCarthy Era was fueled on racism. Russians were persecuted for being from Russia even if they didn’t affiliate with communism. Because of the racism that took place during the McCarthy Era, America became a madhouse in which no one felt safe. People hid under desks for bomb drills and treated Russians terribly. People in power were the most racist, as you can see in this quote.

Evidence (E): “His first major raid rounded up hundreds of suspected radicals. Nearly 250 of them were deported back to their homeland. Many of the deportees had not done anything wrong. Their only crime was belonging to an organization that was viewed as radical.” (Pg.20)

Analysis (A): Russians in the USA were sent back to their homeland, even though they had done nothing wrong, only because they were Russian. This persecution was on their ethnic and racial background. They might have disagreed with communism, yet they were sent back to Russia. This is racism at its greatest. Major racism appears through history. It is natural to be fearful of difference, but it shouldn’t lead to unfair treatment and death.

Concluding/ Transition (C): Now this theme of sending people back to their homeland is happening again, and the McCarthy Era is repeating itself in current day.


Paragraph #4: Modern Day Witch Hunt Thematic Connection

Topic Sentence (T): Racism is at its most in modern day because of people like Donald Trump.

Explanatory Sentence (E): People are still racist to this day, because there parents raised them that way, and their parents before them and so on. It’s a never ending cycle until someone breaks it and isn’t racist. The racism that is happening right now is terrible. People like Donald Trump are going to far and affecting millions of people’s lives. One example of this can be seen in this quote from a news article.

Evidence (E): “President Trump’s most recent executive order effectively bans citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. for at least 90 days — but some Muslim countries were spared from the order’s blacklist, even though they have deep-seated ties to terrorism.” (NY News)

Analysis (A): Trump banned Muslims, even though he claims it’s not a ban. He categorizes Muslims as terrorists. Since ISIS affiliates with Islam, they fooled people like Trump into hating Muslims. Now racist people like Trump are making Muslims think America is a terrible place which shows how racism comes back and bites you.

Concluding/ Transition (C): Racism is a big problem throughout history that needs to be stopped. We look back at history and say how it’s different now, but it’s not. It just seems like that which is why it happens. If racism is not interfered, it will ruin peoples lives, which is terrible.

Paragraph #5: Concluding Paragraph (ROC)

Reflection on Thesis (R): You wonder why people with power can be so racist and not feel bad, or even stop. History is going to repeat itself if no one does anything, yet the people who don’t seem to realize are the ones causing the problem.

Overview of Main Points (O): Race is something people should be proud of, and not something you hide to fit in. Race should not be hated on, but loved. If everyone wasn’t never racist, imagine how different history would have been. Racism fuels hysteria and chaos, yet people don’t stop being racist, as if the tragic moments in history never happened.

Concluding Idea (C): Racism shows how powerful words are, and how they can change people’s lives. From people like Tituba, to the Rosenbergs, and Muslims deported back to their home country, a world without racism would have changed their lives for the better, so why isn’t that possible?

Who The Heck Are You?

In sixth grade, you have a project called “Who The Heck Are You?”. I’m going to take you through the process of this project

Step 1) For step one, we had to write a letter to the person we wanted to interview. In my letter I wrote why I picked Xin and when we could do the interview. Then I left the letter on Xin’s desk and waited for him to get back to me. One thing I wrote on the letter was: Even though you’re my advisor, I still don’t know you all that well.

Step 2) I had to think of ten questions to ask Xin. I started off with obvious things like when and where were you born? Where did you go to school? Where do you currently live? What inspired you to teach? Why did you pick LREI? Then I did some more personal questions like what is your most embarrassing moment? Now it’s time for the interview.

Step 3) I met up with Xin in the world language room. Xin seemed very calm during the interview. But why tell you about it when you could listen to it.

Step 4) For step four, we had to take apart the interview and put it into a template that looked like this: InterviewIdeasTemplateStep2 Here’s what it looked like finished: CopyofInterviewIdeasTemplateStep2

Step 5) Finally, I finished my project. I really enjoyed the whole process. I learned so many things about Xin that I never knew. This whole process was amazing and I really enjoyed it. Here’s the final product: The Language Bridge
By, Ben
Imagine your teacher singing in the mirror. Good. Now imagine a quiet, shy person doing that. You’re imagining Xin. Want to hear more crazy facts about Xin? Just keep on reading. Xin was born on Christmas Day, 1984, in a small town in northwest China. He went to a public school. That was also the first place he taught. “The very first class I taught, I was a middle school student.” As a kid, Xin was very clumsy. Falling down a lot and getting himself in to trouble. In fact, when he was eight, he got shot! But that’s a story for later. Anyway, Xin was always inspired by teachers. As I said before, yes, Xin did teach his first class in middle school. His english teacher was sick. All he did was tell the class what they had to do. It’s not much, but it still counts. His dream had been to be a teacher from then on. His next time teaching was in high school. He taught a mini lesson and when he finished, the whole class started clapping for him. In his mind, Xin was thinking, “That felt pretty good.”
After graduating college, Xin came to the Big Apple for grad school. “That’s what brought me to the states.” After grad school, Xin started working at a private language school in Beijing. He taught people of all ages. From four year olds to adults. Then he had his demo lesson at LREI. Xin said that he really liked the school’s philosophy and the freedom he has here.”We don’t have this in China.” He also loved all the teachers. They’re like a second family to him. “It is a great pleasure to be working with these people.” Xin also loves his students and enjoys watching them learn and grow. “I’m like a bridge connecting between different cultures, and that’s very special to me.” I found that very interesting. It’s a very smart way to think of what he does. Xin said that teaching is a big responsibility, but also one of the most fun things to do. Xin enjoys working at LREI and following both his dreams. A teacher, and a musicians. Not much of a singer though. Hmmmmm. Oh well, let’s end this story with a “bang.” (You’ll understand why bang is funny in a moment)
Xin seemed a little reluctant to tell me this one. When I asked him what his most embarrassing moment was, he looks at me and says: “I got shot when I was like eight years old.” I know, you’re thinking: “Wait what? How is Xin still alive?” So Xin was going home from school. He had a burger type of snack. (It comes into play later) In China, they have BB rifles. You can pay the owner to try it. The owners have a row of targets. You shoot at each of them once and see how many you hit. So Xin was on his way home eating the important burger snack. Then he hear cheering and saw a big crowd all huddled around something. Xin was only eight, so he was small enough to squeeze through the crowd. He saw two or three teens that were about eighteen or nineteen. They were shooting targets. Xin stayed and watched for a while. When they finished, people started to leave. The crowd was way to big to go around, so Xin went through, right in front of the targets. Then Xin heard a “bang!” People started yelling at Xin. “All the people were all yelling: Hey, who’s this little kid, just walking right in front of the targets?” Xin was very confused. Apparently, people were just leaving because they felt like it. Embarrassed, Xin quickly left. Then he thought: “Man, my head is really wet.” and then “What’s all this wet stuff?” (This is were the important burger snack comes into play) So on the burger snack, there’s a napkin so your hand doesn’t get all greasy. So Xin wiped his forehead with the napkin. When he looked at the napkin, it wasn’t water. The napkin was dyed red. Xin tried to make sure no one noticed, but it was too late. Everyone ran, terrified. Especially the teens that were shooting. Only the owner stayed. He ask Xin where he lived and carried Xin to the hospital. With some surgery, they fixed Xin up and told him he was lucky that the little metal ball didn’t touch his brain, (It was really close though) or hit him in the eye because he wasn’t wearing his glasses. When Xin got home, he was scared that his dad would be mad. (Hey, that rhymes) His dad was mad. He wanted to find the owner and give him a piece of his mind. (I don’t think he knew the owner took Xin to the hospital) Xin lived and the world kept spinning. From a little clumsy boy, to one of the best teachers in the world. Now you know not to judge a book by its cover. Everyone has a story. You don’t have to be Indiana Jones to find it.

Beowulf Projects


This is my Beowulf project. We are reading the book Beowulf so we did Beowulf characters. My group did Beowulf. We had one section for internal qualities about Beowulf and one section for external qualities of Beowulf. You probably thinking why Beowulf’s head is so big and why he’s so out of proportion. that is because he is no ordinary hero. He may be an ugly freak on the outside, but on the inside he is the most extraordinary hero you’ve ever seen. I’m very happy with how it turned out. Thanks for taking time to read this. Bye!