Lindsay – 5 Minute Purpose Pitch

Your Reason/Your Story: My “critical incident” was when I landed a job at a summer camp. I intended it to only be a summer job, helping me earn a little extra money, but instead I discovered a part of myself that I had never seen before. I really connected with the children that I worked with, and I found that I enjoyed the work immensly.


Your Resources/Your Strengths: I’ve always loved learning, and when working at a summer camp mentioned above, I found that I liked working with kids too. Combigning these two things, I have come to the conlcusion that this would be a good route for me, satisfying both of these interests. I’ll be able to connect with children through learning, and help them become more confident in their skills as learners.


Your Result/State Your Purpose:

Purpose statement: My hope is to diligently foster integrity so that people can grow in knowldge and intellect by working with students in subjects they don’t feel as confident in.

How: I will research to find organizations that I can work with. Once that is accomplished, I will work with elementary and middle school students, tutoring them, in subjects where they feel they need extra help and improvment.

Call to Action: I will need help finding and getting in contact with a reliable organization which I can work with. I may also need advice on the proper approach to tutoring, whether that advice come from teachers here at LREI, or the organization I will be working with.

One thought on “Lindsay – 5 Minute Purpose Pitch

  1. Lindsay – there are lots of possibilities here! I’m wondering if you want to learn more about teaching and child development. I’m sure there could be some cool opportunities to work with students who need extra support (whether on-line or in person) and build their confidence. There might also be organizations like the Go Project, etc. that we have relationships with that would provide tutoring to students in-need. – Jane

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